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Time to Clean Up My Corona Virus Look... because it is Not about Me.... it is About Us... Mankind Moving Forward.

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 June 6

Enjoy being online again!

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You make that look good my friend. 🙂

One small suggestion, make your eyes smiles. That is the hardest thing to do with a mask on. Showing empathy for the workers at the store, they are much more at risk then I am, when the smile on my mouth is hidden I have to work at making my eyes show I care and appreciate them. 🙂

I am all shaved now... I sure was not laughing or smiling behind the mask. I am always showing cortesy to all I meet... repeating the phrase.... STAY SAFE. Thank You for the Advice.


My beard and mustache seems to have grown right through my air mask.

Never had the Privilege of such kind of beard or 'stache... there had never been a Full Grown Beard in my life... I Envy You at times but when I consider all the Savings in Shaving Goods I Smile without Envy.

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