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Police Brutality did not started with trump. Black Lives are not the only ones affected. 2014 Death of a Latino. Luis Rodriguez Assassination. But trump made it a Greater Problem for sure from Day One. He turned On the Green Light for Racism and Police Abuse.

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 June 7

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Watched that Video. It's really upsetting. Democracy is dead. The US is a police state. I have traveled to the US a number of times and I love your country and it's people. But when I see things like this I get angry and upset. If 6 rioters did that to someone, the would get the death penalty in a court of law. What the hell is going on.

That Image of a Great Country was a Well Orchestrated Lie to the World. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico... visiting NYC every summer... It was not until I joined the US Navy at age 26 that I learned the Meaning of the Word "Nigger". Many do not believe me. It was Never used around me in Puerto Rico or in the States. I had lived in Spain, Greece and Germany and I learned from Europeans that there is No White, Black, Brown, Yellow or Red Skin on this Earth... Putting Color on a Race is an ameriKKKan Invention and I thank all of those Europeans that taught me that.... Ignorant me, Ignorant us. Just like it only take 1 Bad Cop to Screw Everything for all Cops so it only take 1 Bad Human Being to Screw Everything for Humanity. We knew How Bad trump was before he was put in the white house. Yet the Madness of "electing" him happened in front of our eyes. I walked away from a long time friend that supported him during last election, it showed how Ugly was his wife... Have Not been Missed. Hope I never see him again because what can I do but call him out as a Sorry Ass trumper Asshole again that sold out thinking he was going to be made Rich... Ha!!!!

@GipsyOfNewSpain If you are part of the 1% you will get rich under trump. Corporate tax cuts and de-regulation. He's f*****d his supporters and his base, but they will still support him once he keeps up the racist soundbites. Last time it was the Mexicans. It's the Chinese that will get it from him this time. He wallows in Hate and Bigotry. He's a monster. He's a fascist. And I don't use the word fascist lightly. But he is. Separating Children from their mothers at the border. Heaping Trauma on children and scarring them for life. Seeing what he can get away with and he did get away with it. Conditioning the population to accept more an more barbarism as time goes by, until he can commit atrocities that people won't even react to. That's how fascism starts. Trump is a Monster.

@dermot235... I agree with your statement...except for the sole focus on Trump. President Obama, whom I campaigned for and supported, disappointed me seriously in a number of arenas but especially in regards to human rights.
First he signed an obscene Wall Street bailout package that idiotically gave corporations money with no accountability, so executives were allowed to enjoy vacations that they didn't have to pay for while seniors were permanently deprived of their hard fought for retirement income. This was folowed up with the betrayal of his campaign promises to allow medical cannabis growers and patients to be left alone - federal busts increased by 80% after he came into office!
More devastatingly, Obama authorized the setup of concentration camps for children which I have angrily referred to as government sponsored child brothals. After hearing that 80% of the children in these facilities are reporting grotesque sexual abuse, the title seemed appropriate. Additionally, as if that last bit of corruption isnt enough to make any sane human sick, he authrorized the use of violence against people defending their homes with peaceful protests. Water connons and rubber bullets were aimed at young and old alike, in violation of dozens of US treaties and laws.
In other words, the US government has zero validity, violating it's own laws, human rights, and common decency at every turn. I would love to see the US government called to task for human rights violations.
Additionally, a number of agencies outside the United States have quietly announced that their analysis the problems are horrendous and systemic but neither the UN, the European Union, what is left of the UK, or any other agency I am aware of, has the courage to take on this greed despotic illegitimate government.

@Alchemy I agree with you on this. Sometimes voting for a president in the US is about voting for the least worst candidate. I am aware that ICE raids increased under Obama. He was trying to impress republicans so he could get immigration reform. That was a big mistake and showed a lack of understanding as to what the republican agenda was on immigration. As for the 700 Billion dollar bail out for the banks. It was repaid with interest by them. But there should have been a bailout for the working man and woman too. When we were hit by the financial crisis in Ireland we banned repossessions and fore closures for 4 years. So Obama should have done a bail out for the ordinary worker as well. And he had a majority in the house and the senate for the first 2 years he was in office. And yes the Democrats have a lot of responsibility in regard to the Violence by the forces of "Law and Order" put upon the community, and that includes the mass incarceration of 3 millions people into the prison system. One which resulted in 1 in 4 black people ending up in prison at some point in their lives. And this was started By Bill Clinton. Yes Fault on both sides of the isle. But Trump will never be the solution and hopefully the Democrat will be. We can only hope this will be the case

@dermot235 except for your comment about the bailout, agreed. I disagree that the bail out was repaid...First, careful analysis done by much better minds than my own (Mother Jones Magazine) suggests that the US government paid out more than double your figure once all was accounted for and that therefore the "repayment" program was a hoax...more shuffling money on paper than actually putting money back in the tax coffers.

And none of that addresses my underlying issue with what happened - taxpayers not only lost resources they paid into the system in good faith (lol, or because they had no real choice) but the general citzenry of this country saw their life savings stolen and many of the elderly were left destitute without resources for food, housing, and ick..."medical" help. While the execs partied on private yachts...
our government has been saying, in essence:

"let them eat cake"

for at least 20 years.

I'd suggest the main reason the government is still allowed to stand - more than half our population is incapacitated by poisonous pharmaceutical just like in George Lucas's first film. lol, even those invested in our vile, toxic medical industry - like the sellout AARP - originally established to fight for the rights of seniors, now earning trillions as an insurance "provder" - has stepped up to announce that mind/mood altering pharmaceutical, specifically antidepressants like effexor, cause dementia and may be doing more damage to folks than good. But most folks don't understand how their minds are being poisoned, how can they while under the influence of the toxic poison...

I am pretty sure I just kicked someone's sacred cow and that they will ask me to site my sources - google "AARP Effexor". Even most folks subjected to the unethical poisons we call psych meds in this country can do that much for themselves...



trump is the poster boy for white supremacy directly sponsored by the obstructionist republican fascist, By their wealthy owners and their corporations!!!

Most of our elected officials have been since Reagan took office...bought and payed for...Every reputable research agency on the planet has been telling us our votes are a joke for something like 10 years now...even, ick, the questionable US Harvard has come out an announced we have become an oligarchy. Only the filthy rich like medical doctors, corporate executives, big business owners, and real estate tycoons have any say in the direction we are going. There is only a 30% chance, (snark... less than odds of a true 50/50 chance occurance, ROTFL) that opinions of the American people will be reflected in the decisions made by "our" politicians at all.
Oh, and Jimmy Carter, along with dozens of other election watch dogs world wide have been say our voting is "fixed" for a while... but ssshhhhhhh...we don't wanna wake anybody up...


Right. Certainly he didn't start anything. However...he hasn't made one single effort to stop racism, has he? Instead, he's blamed everyone else in any possible capacity for his own lack of leadership.

You are right, I am going to edit my post to add he made it a Greater Problem... Thanks.

@GipsyOfNewSpain Good idea!

Oh he has started something. "Good people on both sides". Trump has encouraged and supported bad behaviour right across the US.

@dermot235 Right...'cause we all know he's such an empathetic, non-judgmental soul. Uh, HUH.

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