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One of the biggest things I hate about Christianity is their idea of human sexuality. Sex is only necessary for procreation and definitely not pleasure. Why is it possible then for the body to experience pleasureable sensations h during sex.

lbusche 7 Apr 5

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That's the kind of thing that people who are bad at sex say to ruin it for everyone else.

JylJo Level 4 Apr 5, 2018

I wonder if christians get jealous because I'm a polyamorous hedonist?? lol

Emme Level 7 Apr 5, 2018

Well Mormons who consider themselves Christians are polygamous, well some are, with numerous sex partners, some of which are underage. Although they call them wives. I think hedonistic and polyamourous has a much higher degree of satisfaction


Cause Satan!!!!

Its cuz...ALIENS...?

@Emme Lololololololololol

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