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Found this on twitter and it made me laugh. One for the COVIDIOTS out there.

Ohub 7 June 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Over worked providers long busy shifts, just exhausted

bobwjr Level 10 June 29, 2020

I am self quarantining - not because I have been exposed but because I don't trust myself to not "snap" and do some bodily harm to any number of people. I am a very peaceful person normally - despite my Italian heritage and temper - but the things I hear coming out of the mouths of otherwise sane (rational?) people is truly disturbing. hahahahahah 😉



t1nick Level 8 June 29, 2020

Those are sleeping providers . Pulling 5 16 hrs shifts on the row , especially on covid units / micu .
We don’t have the luxury anymore to go to a designated room to crash for few . We considered contaminated so can’t leave the unit until end of shift , after gear is over , and after a shower . I take 20 mnt naps , and the last 15 weeks I have fallen asleep while driving twice 🙁
There is not enough coffee and protonix to cover the gastric ulcers that we all got from drinking coffee constantly ,
And not enough staff to cover anymore . Nurses are frightened , many have pre existing conditions , and many just don’t have enough experiances to work on these units w vents and drips ( new grads etc ), so we are the same freaking people circulating like ghosts on units , trying to man these units and be there for 56 beds in average Cencus every damn day ( micu / covid / ccu ). It sucks , and yeah , will sleep whenever possible 🙁

@Pralina1 What is so sad/pathetic is that we have the vocal minority of idiots who refuse to wear a mask or social distance anymore - which helps cause good folks like you who are doing their damndest to take care of everyone to work themselves to death.

I am a primarily a medical research informaticist and developer so I am far removed from the front lines. However, that data does not lie about what is going on.

@Ohub I took to the morgue ( yeah, that’s an added duty now since security , the ones that normally come to units to take dead people are not handing covid bodies ), a 32 yr old and other ways healthy woman and mother Sunday morning .
She was a walkie talkie 2 weeks ago when I admited her w sortness of breath , cough , nausea , diarrhea , and overall weakness . She went from 2 litters supportive oxygen to high flow 45 litters , to intubation , to death in 2 weeks . Lungs destroyed and she woke up one night coughing blood and oozing blood from other orifices . Covid is much more than just lungs , and is much more than “ older folks “.

Her husband had to tell goodbye via face time , on a tablet that I held and the doctor moved her lifeless hand to the screen . Who ever posted this pic on tweeter has no f clue what r lives has been for 15 and going to 16 weeks 🙁

Be careful. I know that's cliche and over stated. But try anyway. Thanks for your courage and service

I'm calling a time out for you. You are pushing yourself tooooo far and too hard. Please take some time off to rest and it for all of us who love you and care about you!!!

@Lavergne I have 3 more nights to go and I will take 3 whole nights off afterwards , it looks very possible and if nothing stupid these next 3 nights I should be home for 3 nights w my dogs . I can’t f wait . I love u .


That could be a major inconvenience.

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