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Will death threats against Minneapolis city councilmembers prompt a federal investigation? CM who have recently voted to defund the police, are, however in favor of funding private security for THEMSELVES at taxpayer expense. []
As threats against elected officials are a felony, when will we see the follow up? Maybe I misunderstand and it's only a felony against federal officials? Currently CM state that they know where threats have originated from, but have not gone on record as being reported. WHY? Are CM being effective stewards of the US constitution by not reporting threats? Why or why not? I see so many aspects to what has transpired in Minneapolis as very troubling. Is this a new trend? What is really going on? As a citizen of this country, not of Minneapolis, I feel uncomfortable with the fact that there has not been a federal investigation. I don't believe this is how our nation should be operating.

Flowerwall 7 June 29

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Most upper-level politicians do have/need some form of protection...who pays for it should be up to voters!

Yeah so should everyone else's protection (be decided by vote). Where is consensus among residents of Minneapolis that disbanding is the way to go? Why are you so concerned with politicians safety, but are willing to disregard the average citizen's safety? Are you yourself a politician? Do you have a vested interest?

@Flowerwall wow, I make a general statement & you get all hostile & ballistic? And full of ASSumptions, too. Pathetic attempted Bullying does not impress me, go away, and maybe call a counselor about that free-floating inappropriate rage.

@AnneWimsey LOL! Okay.

@AnneWimsey Where you get idea of bullying from I don't know. I think you capitalized certain letters for a reason ? I am not trying to bully anyone, just get at the truth. It's frustrating, the conduct of CM, because it just reads very suspicious to me, but right away your first reaction is defending the protection of government people, in this instance the CMs' use of $63, 000 in taxpayer money to defend 3 members for only 3 weeks of time versus the larger city Minneapolis where there has been a longstanding stated need for MORE police. (Please refer to previous information available online regarding this issue). It gives off a first impression to me that you are more concerned with 3 CM then the city residents. This is why I start questioning it, your position, you.

I am not from there. Have never lived there, but from the outside it very much looks like there are untruths, half truths and omissions of truth going on in Minneapolis. Or maybe I am missing something?

@Flowerwall so you don't think drumpy needs the Secret Service, nor do retired Presidents? Walking back your outrageous attack doesn't cut it, unlike you drump lovers, I have a functioning memory.

@AnneWimsey This is a city council! What city council members outside of Minneapolis require taxpayer funded security? Is this commonplace in the US or other developed countries? Please don't disparage me by calling me a, whatever it was you said, a drump lover. I am not in love with any presidential candidate

@AnneWimsey Well I learned the issue of disbanding police in Minneapolis is to be brought before voters in an upcoming referendum. This is what needs to happen and now I can feel a sense of fairness is being restored. If it is truly what the voters want, it will be determined in vote.

Also, there was another city LA, where similar scenario played out, CM having police presence at home. []
However in this case council voted to cut budget, not disband police entirely. But with another instance of death threats I am very surprised federal investigation has not been announced. Intimidation of governing officials should not be allowed.

@Flowerwall you could have easily learned this before you went Vicious & made yourself look stupid. Still pondering whether to turn you in to Admin......

@AnneWimsey Sure no bullying my friend. Instead of labeling me in an extremely unkind way, why don't you stick to the topic? Thanks! Have a good one!


This is what happens when you turn the use of power against the power white supremacist power brokers their wealthy and their corporations who owned the obstructionist republican fascists and their over the top militarized police!!!

What about other factions that burnt down the city? I don't know who is telling the truth currently, but I don't feel ANYONE is at the moment. Why would you?


Shocking that politicians are hypocrites much like the religious who rail against sin yet are cheating on their wife with the piano player in church

So do we just shrug our shoulders and think it's okay then?

@Flowerwall it is none of your business! Confusing private behavior with policy decisions/support is STUPID at best!

@AnneWimsey Political corruption and deceit is NOT my business? Not EVERYONE'S business?

@Flowerwall no, thieir private lives, which you admit to monitoring & judging.



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