Imagine you work in HR and are recruiting for an extremely wealthy client
First condition must be that this person, M or F, must be NON RELIGIOUS.
What specific qualities would you be putting in the adverts and job descriptions? What experience would you expect the candidates to have . Who would you expect to give references?
BTW The client had a go at this himself and FAILED.
Yes there is an important related question which you have to answer: Is it worth waiting for a saviour? Will your rich client be wasting their money?
I'll need to get back to you on this.
Hank,I am continually testing myself and my ideas. Sometimes my imagination runs away with me - particularly when I mix ups two ideas . This post was mixing up the idea of Trump proclaiming to be world leader in EVERYTHING and the idea of Jesus being a saviour. Well we know that Trump will not lead the world for so long anyway so the posting was a bit pointless as well as confusing
What exactly do you mean by non religious? Cannot believe in God or cannot believe in God in a similar way others do?
Whatever you want it to mean. I just wanted to test the idea of saviour in a non religious setting . BTW I am in favour of world government before the pandemic but since I have come out more. How about you?
@Mcflewster I do believe global level organization is most definitely indeed needed to facilitate large scale pushing in the right direction - freedom, human rights, envionmental, anti-poverty, medical standards, along those lines. But to say one world government has the final say, absolutely NOT. People are different all over the world and deserve their own sovereignty within limits. I am not nearly as knowledgeable in the workings of all of this in present day, but I do see huge failings in terms of what we should be capable of at this point in time in large scale and the reality of what we are actually doing.
Let's take one issue, covid. I have heard so many different contentions regarding the virus and really you don't know what to believe. Suspicion abounds. Some blame China, others get blamed, who knows ultimately? But I do believe the global leadership could have done much more and I also feel highly critical of the US response. When you look at all the money that has been poured in this very area over time and we are so UNPREPARED. I just really wonder, REALLY WONDER. I would say it's Trump fault, but initial Democrat response was much worse! They said protecting the nation from the virus was RACIST! If you can believe people would actually use that in a false manner! There are fixable problems both internal (to US) and external (to the world). And there are CERTAINLY actions that should and must be taken to improve the effectiveness of these very important organizations that should be trying to solve them.
But back to your question, the original set of questions. I don't really have an answer for it. I don't know that there would ever be one savior. People have to check and balance each other. It has to be ethical. I think the key is ethics in leadership at all tiers. Oaths. Holding the oath sacred.
@Flowerwall This is a very good answer . Yes the religionists were duped into think a saviour. really would change everyone Humans do not work like that,
My answer to my own question was " A saviour would have to know which ORDER to start solving the world's multiplicity of problems" . No one has a full overview of the worlds problems and that is why it would not work.
~With science there is always a 'team' working in different places to solve the common problem in a spirit of respectful competition. This does not always make them rich but just gets the respect of fellow scientists.
Also a multiplicity of testers of the same problem is a good way of getting a problem solved collectively as quickly as possible. The first one to come up with a answer is not always the best . But yes this is still a wasteful way but essential to test all minds through evaluation. The more scientists share analysis and evaluations and get to use common proceedures the better. We are inching towards that.