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We are what we eat. What's your motto?

Sasha 4 Apr 6

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Step up, or step off.


I agree, I feed myself only the best. I'm happy with my diet choices.


Live by the sword, die by the sword.


My motto is not to listen to craic.


We are what we do. What we do shows what we believe. We believe what we consume as mental food. Some of us dine from a limited partisan menu and others from a lavish buffet.

It isn't as refined as a slogan but works for me.


Disneyland or bust! LOL!


Eat food that's as alive as possible. (I'm vegan.)

Fresh, raw > fresh, cooked > frozen > dried > canned, preserved

I'm not a "raw-foodist", or a fanatic of any stripe. I just try to eat foods that are as whole and as close to their original states as possible: fresh fruit and veg, rice and beans/legumes, a little oil, spices, frozen veg. Very little processed, preserved, boxed, canned, etc.

"After eating, a yogi's stomach should be 1/2 full of food, 1/4 full of water, and 1/4 full of air."

"On 1/4 of what you eat you live. On the other 3/4s lives your doctor."

Poor Plants Scream As Well!


French fries & catch-up, that's my motto ??


"Be here now." A one size fits all mantra!

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