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Kite envy and one time I miss a man...So I'm at the beach flying my $5.99 kite from RiteAid-I have a badass one at home but didn't bring it. I like to fly that one on a hike that takes me to a peak where the wind is great, I just throw the kite up and we're good to go, just like at the beach today. So there are some amazing kites out here, jealous. And why I coulda used a man today, couldn't get sunblock on my back. I'll know tomorrow how badly I missed. Included in pic souvenir I found....which reminded me of how when my daughter was a teen the running joke was I made her a Barbie bday cake every year, my fav was a Barbie swimming in her cake cuz she was a swimmer.

Ksha 5 Apr 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't fly kites myself, but it's one of those things I totally get the point of - looks like a lot of fun. 🙂

Jnei Level 8 Apr 6, 2018
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