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Well shit. Here I am, 2nd night in a row, 6th night in 3 weeks. Its almost 0300 at my house. The dog is asleep, the computers are asleep. But here I am with insomnia AGAIN. This is getting really old. Guess I'll have to buy some sleep aids at the drug store tomorrow.

Good thing is I got a watermelon cut up and fresh iced tea brewing. So I guess its at least productivity insomnia.

redhog 7 July 19

Enjoy being online again!

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I've dealt with intermittent bouts of insomnia my whole life. Melatonin and Valerian root are both effective for me.

I wemt with generic sominex.


At least you are eating healthy. I don't know about those over the counter sleep aid though. Is marijo legal there in MO?

I'm in Arkansas. And we'll probably be the very last state


Oh dear can be hard , nothing like insomnia to spoil your whole week. The best cure really is to find a routine which works, (How much and what you eat and drink and when, how warm you have the house, and what you do before going to bed, etc.) and then stick to it rigidly. Its not easy but it does work.

thats the thing, absolutely nothing has changed.

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