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I called in sick. I HATE doing that, especially since my vacation starts next week (woo surgical procedures for a vacay) last night about 3 am my hands started burning and behind my ears. About 4 am I started getting SUPER ITCHY on my hands, arms, scalp, and thighs. Thinking my dog rolled in some ragweed I took a bath, changed my bedding, took some benadryl and went to sleep. Not even 4 hours later I woke up to the burning itching again. Two more benadryl and now I'm gonna take a nap again and when I wake up I'll go to the er (again. 2nd time this week) and see if they can figure it out (they won't. They'll give me more benadryl and send me on my way because I'll be too drugged to know I'm being kicked out and charged 800 dollars for a benadryl)

My palms are so hot that my mom thinks they're about 103 degrees. It's crazy.

Still, I don't like calling in

LadyAlyxandrea 8 Apr 7

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm so sorry your feeling sick.


While you are trapped in the ER here's some scary reading: []

I knew I'd heard of this before. (My family is not genetically lucky as I'm sure you've gathered).

That is something interesting. The urgent care loaded me up with so many steroids people keep mistaking me for Lance Armstrong, and it seems to be calming it down a lot, but I still itchy just not as much

@LadyAlyxandrea Dang I feel for you! Nothing I hate worse then steroids (but they make me nuts - angry nuts).

Did they at least do some blood work to see what was happening I hope?

Also for external itching nothing beats Lidocaine Ointment (prescription) though it is sold in some Aloe products at a lower dose.

Hang in there!

@RavenCT I don't react well to lidocaine but I am the same with steroids. They make me angry and hot and wired

@LadyAlyxandrea The last time I was so angry I thought I was going to injure someone. I told my doctor "never again".

I hope I don't ever have a symptom that absolutely requires this again - because they'd have to find a secondary med. to chill me out. I'm thinking "Haldol"?

Also I should have remembered the Lidocaine - my niece's wife can't use it either.

@RavenCT steroids gave me diabetes as well, because I was on them for a very long time. Now I'm just nauseated, but the redness and itching is going down way more. Too bad now my back hurts really bad lol.

@LadyAlyxandrea Just what you needed - more pain in a different area.

And yes steroids mess something awful with Diabetes. My friend who is Type I and has severe arthritis has trouble when they put her on it. And my friend who is Type II was like "Whoa my numbers are awful?".

Make sure you check your BS numbers often while you're on it. And hang in there.

@RavenCT yeah, before 6 months of steroids I didn't have diabetes. Now I do. Total pain. Luckily I think I'll be able to go to work tomorrow.


Yeah if there was one thing I could give to people as a gift, its the ability to not feel guilty about calling in sick when you're trying. I'm the same way, its so hard to do..yet you see people doing it all the time for basically nothing.

I've worked through a migraine that's lasted months, I've worked through hernias that needed surgery, I've worked through dislocations and sicknesses that took my voice away. Yet I am done in by 'I'm itchy'


Update: went to urgent care. They gave me a steroid shot and said if that doesn't help to go to the er. Giving it a few hours.


Look to any NEW soap, lotion, spray, substance that you recently encountered. Somewhere new that you might have went to. Try an extensive process of elimination.

Honestly I can't think of a damn thing. Haven't changed anything, because I'm allergic to so much anyway that I just stick to what I know us allergen free. I haven't eaten anything new. I haven't gone anywhere new. All I know is that my hands are red and twice their size and my head itches and my hands itch and I am burning


Sounds awful.

And people with a lot of pain seem to be really hard on themselves about calling in sick. (I worked with a partially dislocated jaw - twice). TMJ.

Give yourself a break!

It almost sounds like something arthritic going on? My friend with an atypical form of arthritis gets the hot hands (not hot ears I don't think though?). A wonderful bit of immune compromise I'm sure. (Sigh).

Let us know how you make out? I hope they run some labs while you are there. I don't think Benedryl is doing the trick!


Get well soon. 😟


Gee, I hope things will work ok for you.

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