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I'm really interested in the Roman Empire. I'm always reading about that era. Which brings me to ask about gladiators. The games were so barbaric. Fight to the death! Not to mention the weapons allowed and the spectators who reveled in the sport. It makes me sick to my stomach. Very barbaric. So how have we evolved? We haven't. We still pay to watch people beat each other up and possibly inflict life threatening injuries to one another. Spectators still cheer at the pain inflicted on another. We are still barbarians. We still enjoy watching a "good fight". Is anyone with me in boycotting MMA and boxing etc.... how does everyone feel about It? I mean, I'm very liberal, to where I really don't care how someone chooses to live their life, but really.... how can we consider ourselves civilized when we still practice such a barbaric sport?

Rima77 4 Apr 7

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There is an old saying: "Scratch a Christian, find a barbarian."


im all for bloody sports as long as both participants agree on joining in. when i grew up, we fought for fun, we were bored, it was good excercise, and we learned about a lot of things that way. what each person can handle, how strong you are, the way a person thinks, and much more. one of my favorite sports 2day is MMA. the gladiators i have respect for, but a lot of them were forced in2 it, so im not ok with that aspect

Byrd Level 7 Apr 7, 2018

@jorj I agree, granted there will always be a few who are wired differently or something that don't pick up on the respect and responsibility aspect of it, but overall it is a good teaching method. plus as far as the shouldn't we have evolved past that part, no, that isn't how evolution works. fighting, even organized "friendly" fighting, has helped us survive for a very long time, that's not something that were likely 2 evolve out of.


We had a conversation on this last night, my son and a mate traveleld in different directions last year. The concensus is that the Coliseum also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre was by far the most awe inspiring of the man made sights they experienced. OK, both these guys are into historical European martial arts and each can fight with a gladius. I do not travel, but can ponder on how it must feel to stand there and imaggine what was going on in the vicinity a couple of thousand years back. I find MMA, boxing and such at least more honest than football. Can't stand any of them though.


My son trained with a professional boxer, who happened to be a family member. I wasn't crazy about it at all but my son loved boxing. Who am I to say what he should do with himself? He was happy boxing....We don't have to agree with what other people enjoy in life. It's their bodies, their life. When he had fights, I supported him and kept my mouth shut about how I felt. I'm glad it was short lived and he has done a lot of growing since. He has found other joys in life.


The arena in Rome was not about sport even if they were described as games, it was about the Emperor displaying his authority, and the prudent giving of largesse, and the masses displaying loyalty and obediance to that authority. All the seating was specific to different classes and social groups. It was as close as the Romans came to blood sacrifice without openly admitting it. It was an integral part of any Roman society.
Probably the closest thing to a Roman arena would be a bull ring in terms of spectacle but not necessarily the social structure of the seating (I've never been so not sure of seating)
Like it or not, and you clearly don't, there is a need, and it's heavily male dominated, to see and/or be involved in combat. I'm sure there are plenty of works on this but whatever the rights and wrongs the need clearly exists, barbaric or not.


Change the channel... You don't have to watch it.......and no, I am not trying to troll you. Give it a serious consideration... Just saying, ok?

That's exactly what I do

Ok, we are on the same page then. Thanks


Gladitorial Combat was not a "sport" in Rome.
It was law.
Most Gladiators were sentenced to the pits. Prisoners of war, for whom the public enjoyed the spectacle of their death because many of them has lost loved ones in conflict with those nations.
No Gitmo for their suspected terrorists, it was the cross or the pits or slavery, and the pits were a part and parcel of slavery.

The arenas were Blood Theatre serving a legal purpose and a social outlet for aggressive hostilities against other nations of people, they also fueled a gambling economy, and were a handy way to dispose of political opponents.

Of course it seems barbaric to us, just as to them we would seem to be squeemish cowards. People who kill by remote control and fear to face their opponent head on eye to eye.

It was a different epoch.

I understand all that... but we should have evolved by now, yet we haven't as a race

@Rima77 Define evolution.
What makes you think we "should" have?
I agree it would be desireable, but not everyone would agree. There are some out there who would prefer to eat us as look at us. Fortunately they are relatively rare.

I don't quite get your comparrison, while I readily admit we do many savage things in our own right, and some of those make the ancients pale, especially in the arena of megadeath.

I can understand you being disappointed that we are beyond all violence.
Why we "Should Be" more evolved than that, as if somehow humans have failed to evolve more peacefully, as if we control that.

You understand survival mechanisms right, how some things work to help living things survive, some behaviors? You understand those also work as social mechanisms?


We are as barbaric as ever. Look at the body count of the 20th century. I believe the death toll from wars and genocide in the last century exceed all the deaths for those two reasons in all the rest of history, and it ain't getting any better. We are just more efficient. No, l don't watch MMA or boxing. The older l have gotten the more violence is a turn off.


We've come a long way

gater Level 7 Apr 7, 2018

I hate sports. People fight and get hurt. I hate seeing people get hurt. I hate seeing people fall out in public. It's not funny at all. I guess I'm one to lend a helping hand to anyone who's hurt.

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