8 2

Sadly accurate I'm afraid.

WilliamCharles 8 Aug 3

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Too late to attack Biden ... unless you’re supporting trump. Heart-attack Bernie & crew scared away all but the least known, or the best known. The best known stepped up, his name is Joe Biden. I wish he were 25 years younger, but then he’d lack the tremendous experience that’s put him on top..

Those whose intentions and intelligence I’ve come to doubt are anyone proclaiming their Atheism or Agnosticism - while promoting by default a ‘leader’ who’d happily have one of us burned on the White House lawn every night for entertainment.. Explain your shit!

Varn Level 8 Aug 3, 2020

@Fred_Snerd Give him a Congress he can’t refuse - then heckle him all you want. But if you’re part of the sick crew haunting this site ..willing to hand another 4 years to the worst so-called president in US history - or discourage voters from marching to the polls in Nov. to rid this nation of both trump and his Republican enablers - then you’re part of the problem - not the solution

@Varn - we have Team Hillary to thank for Dolt 45 as their handpicked Pied Piper. Madam Pantsuit played chicken with the fate of the nation in her pursuit of power... and LOST! Remind me again how that vote shaming strategy worked out for her.

That albatross needs to be hung around the necks of corporate Dems and the DNC in perpetuity.


@Fred_Snerd Can you speak beyond youtube snippets? if so, I’m awaiting an adequate answer to the following - “Those whose intentions and intelligence I’ve come to doubt are anyone proclaiming their Atheism or Agnosticism - while promoting by default a ‘leader’ who’d happily have one of us burned on the White House lawn every night for entertainment..

@WilliamCharles Just enough russian operatives, southern bigots, women-hating pricks, religious fanatics and spoiled progressives ...did their thing as boyscout Comey did his… It’s obvious you fall into one of those slots, and I’m not talkin boyscout..

So - you claim to be an Atheist, or maybe an Agnostic do you..? How’s trump’s next 2 or 3 supreme court choices gonna work for you? You don’t care? ... cuz you’ll hide.. and watch em come for us..?

You’re obviously deeply messed up. Thank you for making that obvious.

@Fred_Snerd It appears you’re trying to perfect a nation, it won’t work. Nor will rubbing their noses in it.. Nor will advocating they commit suicide…

I’ve witnessed a lot of jerks around here, but none, make that none have - or perhaps ever will - adequately explain to me how - as supposed Atheists or Agnostics - four more years of trump appointments, legislation, executive orders or proclamations will make life better and safer for we or our families? Can you?

As far as your political purity tests … they only confirm your political naivety.. You had your chance to run - as did the ol’ coward who started this post. WhereTF were you..?

You couldn’t - because you couldn’t be civil for ten minutes within a sampling of ‘average americans.’ So, what - you envy those who can? Call or consider them sellouts because they’ve the sense and discipline to - not only know what it takes - but how to move the ball forward … and you can’t..?

I don’t expect any serious answers, just more links I couldn't care less about … surprise me 😉

@Fred_Snerd ...not surprised at all.. No answer. Done here.


25 Reasons Not to Vote for Joe Biden


Hey, filthy old man - I didn’t see your name on any ballots..

@Varn - and you won't. Your point?

@WilliamCharles When a withered nobody attempts to demean a respected national figure, without having put himself under the same microscope of scrutiny - he remains a worthless coward


I'm willing to bet we'll have a better pandemic response, and we will no longer be putting refuge kids in cages, or separating parents from their children at the border. We may join the Paris climate agreement. So, some thins will change.

@Fred_Snerd The right wign has often used photos which they claim were soemthing different from what they were. Most recently Trump in a campaign ad used a photo from years previous in Ukraine to make it look like Americans were attacking police. Trump has also often blamed Obama for the child separation policy, which is also untrue []


Berners to DNC, "Fuck around and find out."

The candidate you deemed the "safe" choice is anything but.


The election is a case of the Evil of Two Lessers and the Lesser of Two Evils. its so sad the position we find ourselves in.


Another inaccurate meme. He won't be the progressive end all be all that Bernie's people wanted. But he will be a gradual step backward from the abyss that trump brought us to. Lay the groundwork for 2024 with a slow, but steady reclaiming of the country and the democracy.

We need to be more like eastern philosophies and think and plan long term, not just immediate future. Like a game of chess, plan three moves ahead and not just react.


I know many people who will never vote for him. There is another choice


I.m not far behind you. I have been hoping for a socialist like overhaul for at least 30 years. i find do find Biden repulsive, just dismayed that we are being forced into this corner with trump in the first place. I am practical and pragmatic and realize that the only chance of removing trump is to insert Biden.


I thought building ecovillages was the way forward? How does voting for Biden help with this long term plan?


It gets trump out of office. With trump in office there is absolutely no chance of moving forward intelligently. Biden will do little further harm and undo some of trump's most disasterous moves. Shoot for 2024, as I do not think Biden's health let him seek a second trrm.


I've seen people become much more energized and radicalized over these last four years than in the whole rest of my lifetime. If we are talking about energizing people, I think another Trump term would be much more valuable than a Biden term. If Biden wins, people who don't know better will assume that a capable, benevolent democrat is in charge so everything will be fine and they will go back to sleep. They will behave as they did under Obama, just calmly trusting that the ship of state is in good hands.

Of course, another Trump term could end in disaster, so I am hoping that Biden will win because the risk is great but still, I think for the long term goal, a Trump victory would be favorable.


I would feel safer and more secure with Trump out, and I'd love to see him go. But I do not trust that Biden will do no further harm. Harm is what he's been doing for his entire long career.

I do believe that he would do less harm, he is the lesser evil.


Another trump term would do irreparable damage. that damage outweighs the energy it would provide.


Biden is not going to do anything even closely as dangerous as trump. He is a centrist and move the country to the left. He would not take severe moves like trump has.

Inaccurate? It's Creepy Uncle Joe's own quote. The orange Trump face is spot on too.


Yes but out of context.

@t1nick - he was telling Wall Street that a Biden administration wasn't going to cramp their style, and that they would be able to continue with their predatory and rapacious banking practices.



IDK. Shrugs.

@RoboGraham Supreme Court Justices will shape our world for Decades! Who do you want appointing them!??!

@AnneWimsey - we have Clarence Thomas thanks to Joe Biden.

@WilliamCharles uuummm, what?

@AnneWimsey -




Yes and Republicans gave us trump

@t1nick - actually, he was Team DNC's Pied Piper.



He's an opportunist. He will go wherever the opportunity exists. republicans brought him into power and have failed to reign him in for four years


I hope he rolls back much of what trump did to Obama's work...


wooo. Plastic Surgery to the extreme? You can stretch that skin only so much. He has started looking like Bernie... Lol

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