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Thank Glob this evil monster didn't get his way thanks to the selfless heroes known as Establishment Dems who are always looking out for our best interests making sure our tax money isn't spent on things that could actually help us (particularly during a fvcking worldwide pandemic!) because [reasons?].



WilliamCharles 8 Aug 3

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Everybody wants everything. Especially everything for free. But not giving it free to one by punishing another as Bernie wanted. Bernie, the millionaire did not have his feet on the ground.


Don't these hate posts belong in the Bernie group?

Sounds like Biden's basement strategy.

"If you don't call us out on our bullshit, the Rethuglicans won't either."

Keep telling yourself that, Sparky. Safe choice my ass.

Who am I hating btw?I may have misconstrued your comment.

@WilliamCharles Oh. You like Jesse Ventura. I'm sure he wouldn't like you.

@barjoe - I respect JV and how he came to hold the positions he does. That's not the same as agreeing with him across the board. I have no idea why I'm supposed to care if JV likes me.


Last I heard (about 3-4 weeks ago) Bernie people worked closely with Biden people on the Dem Platform & were both very happy. I think this is the kind of post that drump supporters create!

You think a lot of things.


They are afraid it will hurt Joe Biden's election bid. They are correct. It would. Go ahead get mad. I suppose you'd rather have Trump.

It ain't over till it's over. But if these tone-deaf fucks think they're entitled to our votes because "Orange Man bad!" they can fuck right off. Seriously.

Pretending that acquiescing to whatever crumbs they throw our way is how the corporate party will be steered in a progressive direction is the height of sophistry.

Lucy, Charlie Brown, and the football. Lather.Rinse.Repeat.

Fluff Creepy Addled Uncle Joe all you want. Settle for Biden (real PAC btw). Blue no matter who! Hold your nose and vote for Joe! The DNC is doubling down on their mistakes of 2016.

You think whistling past this graveyard will help drag his reanimated corpse over the goal line? Safe my ass.


@WilliamCharles We have a two party system. You have a choice between Trump and Biden if you want to vote for somebody who can govern. If Trump gets back in, it's goodbye ACA, cuts to Medicare, SS, a right wing SCOTUS for the rest of my life, until AOC is an old lady. We don't have parliamentary democracy where you can vote for the party you like and still be represented. I don't like it but that's the way it works. Didn't mean to piss you off but it is what it is.

@barjoe - a two party system might as well be that ring through a bull's nose. We actually have greater power than it appears for the most part, but we've been conditioned to think we don't. If our power lies in our own individual vote, but someone else wants you to factor in whatever triangulations they insist must determine how you ultimately cast it...

... well, they can just fuck right off with that shit.

@WilliamCharles Noone wants to tell me anything. I determine how I cast my vote. I've voted third party before. This will be the 12th presidential election I've voted in. I've heard your argument before. I voiced your sentiment in the past. Not this time. I used to think I was the smartest person in the room. I wasn't. Neither are you. I don't insist on anything I'm just giving you my take.

@barjoe - And no one needs permission to make their own choices, even if you have come to a new conclusion. If I ever think I'm the smartest person in the room that'll be proof right there that I'm not. And if you think that I haven't heard some version of your position before, then you don't have a lot of respect for how I came to my own conclusion.

Anything that doesn't establish that first means we're talking past each other, and I have neither time nor patience to go that route. Biden's got your vote because [reasons]. Whoop-di-fucking-doo. And as you may have guessed, I'm taking a different approach.




Looking up some other background info, I came across this. It was written before Biden even announced. It is more complementary to Biden than I was expecting, and some of it justified. But I also find it telling, particularly in light of its closing summary (the part excerpted below), that there's zero mention of the times he's been caught lying, as well as his dropping out in '88 having been revealed to have plagiarized material in speeches.


"Biden’s challenge is not merely to win the Democratic nomination, but also to convince his progressive detractors that he isn’t their political enemy, so they won’t abandon him in the general election. To pull that off, he will have to follow his own advice, which he laid out in a 1974 interview, not even two years into being a senator.

In it, Biden summed up his political philosophy this way: “I don’t think the issues mean a great deal in terms of whether you win or lose. I think the issues are merely a vehicle to portray your intellectual capacity to the voters … a vehicle by which the voters will determine your honesty and candor. The central issue of my campaign—and I used all the issues from busing to the war to the economy, crime, and prison reform—was to convince the people that I was intelligent and to convince them that I was honest.”"


@WilliamCharles You copied and pasted something about Biden. I gave my opinion. Fine. I'll say this. Not saying they're wrong, but the far left is a tiny minority in this country. Unfortunately the far right is a sizeable minority. You might hate Biden but he's gonna win your state, big. The important thing is for him to win my state. I love the guy. If he doesn't get your vote, it doesn't matter one bit.

@barjoe - yeah... I can see how quoting Biden to get a handle on Biden just makes me some Trump loving asshole.


“When people show you who they are, believe them.”

~ Maya Angelou

@barjoe - btw... notice all the weasel words and qualifications.

He wants to "convince" progressive detractors he's not their enemy... rather than stop being their enemy.

If you say you'll veto M4A if it crosses your desk after the incredible hypothetical of actually passing both houses of Congress... that members of this august deliberative body worked together to bring this about... but you somehow know better...


And again further on... he wants to "convince" them that's he intelligent (which he feels is a green light for him to do as he wants on the issues regardless of the desires and needs of his constituency)... rather than be expected to display a commendable intelligence.


"I want to convince them I was honest."

You know what fucks that up, Joe? When you keep lying about the times you were proven not to be honest.



@WilliamCharles don't think you're Trump loving

@WilliamCharles have a good day. if i wanna see this stuff I can go on fb

@barjoe - hyperbolic generalization. Like when people say not voting for Biden is a vote for Trump. Or that not voting for Trump is still a vote for Trump if you don't vote Biden. Or that if enough people reject Biden as the "safe" choice, he is then the safe choice that only lost because people just didn't see how goddamn safe he was.

You see the circular logic there?


@barjoe - your call. I can cope.

@barjoe - and BTW, barjoe, to be clear, the "Joe" I'm ranting about is Biden, not you, just in case that wasn't evident.


An inevitable outcome of a binary right wing political party structure under the control of a ruling class whose only loyalty is to itself.

@floWteiuQ well, an independent electoral commission to set electoral boundaries (instead of fragrant gerrymandering by party hacks) and free and fair voting, and courts not setting out to thwart voting by unfair decisions, and reform of financing of parties... these would be a start for reforms. Also 2 party systems invariably lead to centrast-right parties under the control of elites. Representative, proportional representation, preferential, and multi-party electoral systems may have issues but are more representational and democratic, and less likely to be ruling elite controlled. Having said that, I don't see much prospect for systemic reform in the US. The legal and political structures prevent it.


Ohgoodgawd, stop beating that poor dead horse!

That why she lost. And she's incredibly wrong. We will have universal health care. Joe Biden supports the Public Option. Just hope he wins. The opt-in will be very popular and Medicare for all is the next progression.

@AnneWimsey - seriously, you're back? You always come in guns blazing. Why should I give you a pedestal to try to rattle my cage? Say whatever you want, but if you keep throwing in your bullshit editorializing, I'll block you.

@WilliamCharles IMO, this post is editorializing.
Blocking (or threatening) is favoring censorship over the open exchange of ideas/opinions. 😛

@FearlessFly - the party in question has crapped all over topic threads involving me before, so I don't need to justify a personal block at any time to anyone. You worry about you, umkay?

@WilliamCharles What, me worry ? 😛

. . . opinion and worry are different

@FearlessFly - well your opinion that my actions are in danger of favoring censorship somehow is something that I choose not to worry about.

You do you.

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