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It's 4am, anyone else having trouble sleeping?

UrsiMajor 8 Aug 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Ah! I was up. I guess I missed your post.
Up since 3am.... 🥴


I have trouble sleeping occasionally but I just get up and stay up until I get sleepy again.. I realize that's not an option for everyone but wish it was.


Slept like a baby all night last night. Not so much the night before.


Always, I broke down and took a Tylenol PM last night.


Not bad last night.. Up early today, though … if inside, watching the little hurricane toss off ‘rain bands’ as it passes off the east coast today. My excuse to stay inside, be lazy, and haunt this place 🙂

Varn Level 8 Aug 4, 2020

Yeah we have an emergency hurricane wireless broadcast going on right now.


Same here... (just read your note).

Hopefully in November a good fix is coming...

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