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Voting by mail

whiskywoman 8 Aug 4

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. . . Politics ? From a comedian ?

Silly, Random, & Fun 😛

lots of it and quite good do some research watch more of him

@whiskywoman "quite good" I see no 'good' reason to assign credibility to any comedian.

Comedians are wonderful for laughs (SRF).
I don't advocate relying on comedians (especially) for political ideas/opinions/reliability.

There are verifiable/credible/trustworthy journalistic sources elsewhere.

@whiskywoman . . . name calling, that's what you got ? lol

@FearlessFly if you don't like my posts why look at them I don't look at yours

@whiskywoman I have, and expressed a comment/opinion. That it differs from yours/others BOTHERS you does it ?

"I don't look at yours"
Your replies are evidence to the contrary 🙂


John Oliver is great. Trump tells a lie long enough he actually believes it. He's a sociopath. I think he could beat a lie detector because he believes his lies. Pathological.

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