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Since COVID is likely the most politicized topic we will see in our lifetimes I wanted to post this article which I happen to agree with. Most governments have taken advantage of this crisis to extend and increase their power over our everyday lives, instilling fear, devastating national economies as well as the global economy. The fallout and collateral damage (in both lives and loss of production/wealth) will be seen for a long time to come: []


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Good read, and I too agree, it's all about the fear. Play to people's deepest fears, and they become too easy to control and manipulate.


Do you think the remote possibility exists that some government officials were trying to mitigate the pandemic to save lives? Mandates for wearing masks were an exercise tho strip citizens of their freedom of choice? The problem is it could have been solved of we had a central game plan by the Federal Government instead 50 different protocols? Same with distributing of supplies instead of telling the states to do a better job. Heather MacDonald is not helpful at all. There's blame to go around but she's absolving the administration so she can blame blue state governors. I'm holding back here.

Governors are the ones who invoked lockdowns. Yes, the Administration failed to provide guidance, but this fiasco could have been managed without the draconian measures that were taken. Do I believe that all governors are power mad freaks? No. I'm somewhere in the middle. Not a conspiracy theorist, but a realist about how our government operates. Unlike (probably) the majority of people on this site, I am an Objectivist/Libertarian, so where government power is concerned I definitely fall on the side of less is better. I live in Cali and feel like I'm in the Nanny State.

@IAMGROOT Governors had to invoke lockdown, the was no marginal protocol, it was all left to the individual states. Those states that did are further I along mitigating the pandemic. Draconian? The purpose of leaving it to the states was calculated. Early in the pandemic out was blue state governors who were infected. Here's where I stop holding back! DONALD TRUMP had a plan to unintentionally let people die in blue states so he could blame their governors. If that's not draconian, I don't know what is. Blaming, "that woman from Michigan" to try to carry the state in the fall. Blaming blues state governors, encouraging his inbred, mental defective base to threaten Whitmer physical safety a in Lansing. The only Dem governor he praised was Gavin Newsome, his future daughter-in-laws, fuck buddy. Now California is out of control the tide had turned, the bible belt and the Midwest are in trouble. A central plan would've mitigated this for all 50 states. Don't blame the "nanny state" blame DONALD TRUMP! And wear a mask.

@barjoe Sorry, I'm blaming Newsome. He invoked the lockdown, he arbitrarily decided what businesses (and therefore people) were "essential." Governors who followed suit are all collectively responsible for the economic devastation we are seeing. Interesting that the headlines aren't filled with the numbers of failed businesses because they surely exist, or the other collateral damage/ripple effects of these lockdowns. I'm not a Trump fan and don't think the Fed has provided anything like real leadership here. Our country could have kicked this virus' ass. Instead, everyone is hiding in their homes, driving alone in their cars wearing masks, and the virus is still running rampant.

@IAMGROOT If the Federal Government would've set up a National Protocol, every governor would follow it. They intentionally forced the states to develop 50 different protocols to blame governors for any setbacks. Same with distribution of PPE.


An unreferenced opinion piece from a biased source. No thanks.


There is no such thing as a completely unbiased article. Rejecting out of hand is not constructive. Have a good day.

@IAMGROOT An "extremely conservative, corporate-funded" policy group is so far from unbiased that it lacks credibility sufficient to reject out of hand.

@LovinLarge That is your prerogative. Did you even read the thing before you rejected it?

@IAMGROOT I skimmed it only to find what I already knew would be there. My time is the most valuable thing I have and I am highly selective with it.

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