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Make sure you're counted. Fill out the Census ONLINE. NOW!
The Republicans and Trump Administration has moved to shut down the census early. This could have major impacts on congressional seats and funding.
MAKE SURE YOU'RE COUNTED EVEN IF A FULL TIME RVer (use your legal address).


It takes 5 minutes do it NOW!!!

MsHoliday 8 Aug 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I did mine and my mom’s online almost as soon as we got them.


I did it on Day 1.
They had to pick me among 300 million to verify I wasn't counting my daughter twice, one for here and another for her New York address. I had to explain that she lived in the college dorm and it was a temporary address.


I filled out mine. Explain what his motivation would be to abate the census.

He wants to rush the census because he can keep California and other states with large populations of temporary workers from using that number to retain their representatives in Congress. The census should be DELAYED...not rushed....because covid's keeping census takers/respondents apart.


Good reminder! (I was just hired as an Enumerator for the Census. Don't MAKE me come to your door!) 🙂


I did mine awhile ago...

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