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Okay so I posted this to a friend In a PM. I just thought there may be others that may enjoy it.

Tony80223 7 Apr 8

Enjoy being online again!

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That was really fun!!! Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.


I liked it!

You can see a bunch of Post Modern Jukebox on YouTube
They have a wide variety of artist that come and sing, all in their style. It's kind of cool
I just like a variety of music, no country. (I think I sung that in my head)

@Tony80223 I like piano music .my friend gave me a CD of all modern hits that were played just by a piano. I loved it!

@Kojaksmom there is all kinds of music genres out there anymore. To be stuck in any one thing or to say "I only like the old rock" is pretty closed minded. Sometimes I’ll spend long periods on you tube searching. There are people building amazing instruments, and incredible vocals (I love accapella). My son is a musician and plays Ambient, and metal Folk, he’s always turning me on to new things.

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