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So I'm curious... Convention says most atheists/agnostics are liberal. I know several that are conservative. How do you associate politically?

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JohnMarietta 3 Apr 8

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I'm a gun owning vet that doesn't vote against his best interest. I vote Democrat.


I generally do not vote Republican as there are always more qualified candidates on the ballot although there are some issues that I lean the other way on. As a veteran I support our troops but think that their boss is an idiot who is neither qualified or competent to lead them.


This poll actually makes me angry. Where is centrist?



Liberal and getting moreso every day.


Generally I’m liberal on social issues and conservative on fiscal issues.


Becoming more me more liberal every day


Liberal's closest to my way of thinking. I'm antiauthoritarian, noncollectivist but believe in the rule of law and socialist conventions like cops, firefighters and a safety net for the impoverished.


I'm more of a moderate. I ascribe to more liberal principles, but I agree with a balance of right and left policies.


Left of center


I am certainly liberal....very liberal, economically liberal and socially liberal.


SO glad Liberal and Agnostic tend to go hand-in-hand! Too bad neither of those tend to align with rural living.


I would say that I am More Liberal than conservative but I do have some conservative ideals, like fiscal responsibility and Im a big fan of 2A.

I think the problem comes in when people only see things in black or white, theres alot of gray area in life. No one should be all one side or the other.


I really don't know anymore. I thought I was liberal until recently. I'm finding that I lean right on certain issues, and very left on others. And yet I'm undecided in certain areas.

Lani Level 5 Apr 10, 2018

I don't think I adhere to one specific ideology. I am an admirer of Noam Chomsky and a few others that don't adhere to his political ideology of Libertarian Socialism. I pull my views from liberal, democratic socialist, libertarian socialist, and classical liberal ideologies.


None of them


Why is Libertarian not an option? Or at least "moderate"?


This is the first step to failure in this country. It used to be united we stand devided we fall. When we are decided at the core (liberal, conservative, Democrat, republican) we can never stand. We are destined to fall as a country. Especially when neither side will compromise in what they stand for. Me personally we need a reset button. Go back to the constitution, clear out the politicians and eliminate the electorial college and start from there.


Super liberal.




I'm much closer to a libertarian than anything else. That doesn't mean that I am a Libertarion, because as a party they have some awful ideas.


Describe myself as progressive for the current non-partisan city council race.


none of the above. i don't care for politics. honestly the only reason i even know whats going on right now is because the things trump says and does are so off the wall that its more comedy than politics at this point, so i found it interesting enough 2 take a look. i still think pretty much every politician i have seen in my day is messed up in some way or another

Byrd Level 7 Apr 8, 2018

That may be true to a point but ...

@Wrytyr I don't mean it is how others feel, I'm just saying it is my opinion. on that note it is 100% accurate. that is in fact how I feel. that is the only reason I even noticed, and I do believe they are all a bit off in one way or another. I am not claiming these are facts, they are my opinions, and as such, they are correct. I respect everyones right 2 their opinion, but I also know very well what mine is


There are other political standpoints other than Liberal and Conservative. But I suppose out of the choices given, I’m more closely to a liberal.


I have friends that are diametrically opposed to my policies but we are able to set believes aside to be friends and in addition it allows for good discussions at dinners. No one becomes loud or defensive we just are able to discuss our views in a very gentlemenally fashion.

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