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My grandson is now a star. Well, he got a part in the BSA ad, which is kinda cool when you think about it. Oh, he's the first one up -- Cub Scout blue.

evidentialist 8 Sep 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Good looking kid, I bet he becomes an Eagle scout.


...have they stopped discriminating against Atheists..? A Portland (of course) Atheist had sued them for requiring a ‘god oath’ for her son. It drug out in court so long.. ..I don’t recall any ruling. Just made me glad I had daughters, and that I’d had my fill as a ‘cub scout.’

Varn Level 8 Sep 3, 2020

So far, so good. They've even let my daughter be a councilor and no one has come unglued yet. We'll see what happens later, but so far no crowds carrying torches.


Awesome he's a natural


Nice that he gained confidence and communication skills to convey his thoughts publicly.
He did sound confident.


How does your grandson feel about the "duty to god" principle of scouting?

It means nothing to him and they haven't pressed it.

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