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I know that not everyone, on this site, is on the "blue" side politically (assuming they are even in the US), but for those who are:
as November gets closer. am I the only one dealing with a sort-of ptsd reaction from November of 4 years ago (the build up, the let down, the sorrow, etc)?

Kirahere 6 Sep 13

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I'm trying not to have expectations. I'm trying to keep it to Fear and Hope.


It was a horrible thing to wake up to......


I don't have PTSD from the past. I do have troubling premonitions about November.


Every so often, I get that very same feeling when I think about the outcome in 2016.


Most I know are anxious. Four years ago everyone, including trump assumed HRC would win. Too many became complacent. Too many tossed their vote somewhere else. Too many weren’t ready for a ‘woman president.’ Some thought it would be ‘funny’ to see trump crash the country…

Not now. The Nation’s awake! But, they need to follow through - and vote early! The worst so-called president in US history will get only one term - we’ll make it so 😉

Varn Level 8 Sep 13, 2020

Unfortunately, biden is not much of a " build up"
So, I think your feelings are correct..

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