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I watched this video with interest. Insightful arguments. (I find so because I'm not black and don't live in America.) Would they be called coconuts and that would be the end of the argument for them?

Jetty 7 Sep 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Malcolm X was a great human although he was a person of his time.

@Theresa_N I don't know how great he was, but his point is well taken. Think Kanye West. Candace Owens. Sen Tim Scott. Dr Ben Carson. House Negros. Much like Stella Kübler, a Jewish Nazi collaborator who turned Jews into the Gestapo.

@barjoe Yes they are all house Negroes. He is great because he turned his back on the Black (I hate capitalizing the Black because then I have to capitalize White and races shouldn't be capitalized IMO) supremacy of the Black Muslims.

@Theresa_N That's why he was murdered. His daughter swears this was done by the order of Louis Farrakhan. Quibillah Shabbaz plotted to assassinate Farrakhan, she plead guilty and did no prison time. That's indicative of something.


Very interesting that a non black, non American would post a video like this..

@Jetty you sure are.. Doesn't mean you aren't a Russian interloper though. Lol

@Cutiebeauty That is funny.
Cutiebeauty agents do infiltrate and cause confusion with post like this everywhere.
I always view anything concerned with race especially when it's explicitly black/white as a potential psy ops from Moscow.
It worked for them before, and they're busy as hell doing it now.
And there's been a hell of a lot of these kinds of comments coming in here lately, so yea, I have my suspicions.
Sure it might just be an ignorant foreigner with no ability to understand they're bull in a china shopping sensitive American issues, or they can be malicious political manipulators.
Either way, screw them, I give their post little regard other than a scornful perusal.

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