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YouTube has gone beyond greed and hate!!!

Now YouTube has commercials every four to five minutes!!!

Some ten to fifteen minute videos have upwards of four full commercials you can most time skip!!

How greedy and controlling can a corporations be, especially when owned by Facebook!!!

When most of their content is not paid for!!!

of-the-mountain 9 Sep 17

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I don't like the increase in commercials on Youtube but I also have the option to not go to the website at all. Complaining about something that is free, completely optional, and utterly unnecessary is ridiculous. I used to visit Hulu frequently. Then they started charging to view most everything. I stopped visiting Hulu. Complaining about it is a waste of time.


Today my YouTube views have change!

No sure what is going on, my video setting inside the video have moved within the video!

Anyone else experiencing this type of change?


I have noticed lately that it is difficult to even watch a video any more. My channel is not monetized which allows me much more creativity. With how they have it now small channels no longer have that little edge. Often when setting up jokes etc. the set up in interrupted thus ruining the punch line!

The funniest part is, all I get is religious ads for the most part. I do sometimes use these ads for content!


Yes it's really ticking me off too. I wish they'd never sold it to Google. I wish there were a good alternative not greedy profit driven. They screw over channel providers too.


I thought YouTube was owned by Google.

Just found that out Facebook was bidding for YouTube at the same time as goggle!!

Both are greedy corporations using deceit and anti trust breaking, now complete lawlessness to squeeze every dime out of the people who use their so called necessary services!!!

They are now Fascists in nature , no different than Joseph Gobbels using the media to infiltrate and control the people within his voice and print media with massive censorship, massive surveillance, and invoking massive incarceration of anyone who disagrees with their lies and deceit!!!


Funny, I have only gotten a few of them and after a couple of seconds one can skip the ad. Maybe it's the type of shows that are more affected.


HATE the advertising farce that YouTube has become! I am constantly barraged with far right ads and Epoch Times bull shit. Unlike FaceBook, YT/Google don’t give me any way to influence the types of ads I am seeing. I won't bitch too loud about having to watch some, but PLEASE, not this GOP crap! Guess my only option is to stop watching YT until the election is over.

Zster Level 8 Sep 17, 2020
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