34 24

Please raise your hand if you're an atheist AND antitheist... You are my peeps and I'd like to follow, and befriend you. πŸ’•

antireligious 5 Sep 19

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34 comments (26 - 34)

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As a lifelong atheist, the vast majority of my friends are Christians. They love me for who I am.

We don't discuss religion.

That’s a good way to be. We would all be better off. Good you can find that balance.


As a life long atheist I always assumed that I was generally antithesist. Just assumed they were commensurate, but its seems perhaps I am mistaken.

I am definitely atheist. I do not believe in any God in any form. But by separating antithesism separately, it seems that the term takes on a different meaning. It seems that antithesism suggests a particular antagonism against those who are theist.

Am I misinterpreting what you mean by antitheism. I am not antagonistic against theists unless they try to proselytize or influence politics negatively. They just do not register highly on my radar. I tolerate or ignore.


i hate labels, i just don't believe in bullshit




Maybe you can explain your usage of those words? If you’re an anti-theist then you have to be atheist too according to my usage of those words. For me:

Athiest: Does not believe in god
Anti-theist: Believes there is no god

@antireligious Gotcha. I’m sort of antitheist by your use then. I believe religion is a destructive e force, but not on a whole. The same way atheism is a destructive force, but not on a whole. Just about anything can be a destructive force.


Yes will go with that, with just the two small concessions: that I do not believe in absolutes, and do believe in, hate the idea not its victims.


fwiw - probably I half fit your criteria. I think delusional belief in supernatural nonsense (theism, witchcraft, whatever) is harmful to good minds and to a good path in life. It is not harmless as so many theists condescendingly try to contend when addressing themselves to their differences with theists. However, I am not a militant atheist..... what I mean by that is that I do not spend my time campaigning for an atheist way of looking at things, or trying to debate any matters with theists. Also, I have not (to this point) chosen to reject all the Jewish cultural ties I was born into.

kmaz Level 7 Sep 19, 2020

I am a life long atheist. But I am NOT anti-religious. I used to be an activity director at a nursing home for retired nuns. They never asked me my beliefs or assumed what my beliefs were. They were such hard working, talented and giving women and they always made me feel valued. Only one of them tried to proselytize (which is something I object to) and she was chastised for doing it without me having to say anything. I support freedom of religion and the separation of church and state.

Just to make this clear-the patients were all nuns and so were most of the rest of the staff.


ah, there's a difference? hmm

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