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An open letter to my friend DenoPenno a member here on agnostic..

We have known each other for about six years now. I met you on another site when I first came out as an atheist.

You never failed to challenge me at every turn. I learned so much everytime you challenged me. I am still a bit bitter about the time you challenged me so much I spent six weeks studying one subject that I knew you were wrong about. At the end of the study I had to admit you were correct! Jerk!

I have grown and now regularly enguage with both Christians and unbelievers alike. I have a youtube channel now that would not have happened if you had not supported me when I needed it the most, when I first came out. You then empowered me with better understanding and better critical thinking skills. I am still a bit upset about the aix weeks wasted of my life to prove myself wrong! I do value that lesson as one of the most important lessons I have had in my life.

Thank you for inspiring me and giving me the confidence to start my youtube channel so that I can hopefully it forward. I hope to meet you in person to express my gradititude.

DavidLaDeau 8 Sep 21

Enjoy being online again!

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It’s lovely to see a human appreciate another human.

Mvtt Level 7 Sep 21, 2020

Like I have stated the longer I am on this site the less I find intelligent life residing here!!!

Too many religious refugees with the blame game of insanity!!!

More worried about their so called spiritual health than the reality of what is really driving their existence!!!

I read your bio. I would strongly consider getting mental help my intent is not to be rude or insulting. Your writing is indicutive of mental illness. I wish you the best.


Yes, every asshole has an optional opinion!!!

Simple go fuck yourself!!!

It that fucking mental enough for you!!!

If you do not like block me asshole!!!

I am sure blocking you as a true degenerate!!!

@of-the-mountain All that anger must truly be bad for you.

@of-the-mountain Well now, wasn't that a stellar display of your superior intelligence? Totally out of line, hostile and rude as fuck, but maybe that's your self perception of intelligent? In which case, yes, you do appear to be at the top of that tier.
@DavidLaDeau handled with grace. Both your initial post and in response to angry/genius. Kudos to you. I think it's absolutely relevant to express the positive impact someone has had in your life, and for those of us here wishing to develop real relationships rather than here for a mere reason to wake up and be an ass to someone, your anecdote should be inspiring.


I also know him from another site, under a different name.

Ohh crap I think I know who You are! Howdy! I am compelledunbeliever.

@DavidLaDeau I know that, & you know me too, as we'd discussed way back. I'm Patricia.

@Lilac-JadeCanada The new avatar threw me off! I do love it! Heck you probably remeber me "growing up on A/N!!!!

@DavidLaDeau Yup, that's where we became acquainted to start with.

I'm not a flag waver, but I changed my avatar as I got tired of it being assumed I was from the US..

@Lilac-JadeCanada Ouch! Can I use a similar avatar so people do not think ill of me?

@DavidLaDeau That one you have now is a good one, but you are from the US, so when people assume it, it's not wrong.

Since a/n went belly up, many of those members have gone over to


Joan, Chris, Loren, Spud, Randall, Grinning Cat, etc.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Holy crap that is great to hear! I did not know about that site. Time to make a profile! I miss them all!

@DavidLaDeau I've been there for over 7 years, as Mrs.B, & have made some good friends there. The format is almost the same, so easy to get around. It's a quiet site, but sometimes that's a good thing. The attitude is not the same as Richard had.

Thank you so much! You also have done alot to support me through the years and I appreciate it! P.S. I know you are watching!

@DavidLaDeau Oooo---eee----ooooo


A very impressive credential.


Why do you care if someone challenges you? Don't flatter them into thinking you have an opinion about them.

That seems a bit negative and on the snarky side. Why shouldn’t someone be complimented if he/she has done something to help you in some way.

@Fred_Snerd not worried

Why do I care if someone challenges me? It is then that I can learn. The people who challenge you to better yourself and call out bad ideas are the ones who are your true friends. So it is not a matter of "Who cares" but rather a matter of who does actually care.

@DavidLaDeau Fair enough.

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