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My kid found this at a local bookstore. Thank Zeus I am not raising them to believe this crap. Can you imagine how emotionally damaging this could be to a child?

You deserve hell? Fuck that shit.

I am so aggravated with these religious sickos who teach God's condemnation instead of Christ's compassion.

I tore it up

Sciencemama 6 Apr 9

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I congregate with people from the First Unitarian Church of Hobart and the kids there are a diverse (in thought mostly) group of kids. They are a mix of young ones who claim Atheism, Agnosticism, Paganism , and others and the stories I've heard them tell about trying to explain to other students and even their teachers that they are not a Christian is pretty alarming.


Christ's compassion?

Luke 14:26
Matthew 10:35-36
Matthew 10:37
Matthew 19:29,
Mark 10:29-30,
Luke 18:29-30
Matthew 8:21-22,
Luke 9:59-62
Matthew 5:22
Matthew 10:28
Matthew 13:41-42
Matthew 25:46
Luke 12: 5
John 15:16
Luke 11:230
Matthew 12:30,
Matthew 18:34-35

Work your way through that lot (and these are just examples, not a comprehensive list) and still say Jesus was comassionate. I challenge you.)

Bear in mind, the whole gentle Jesus myth is only about 150 years old, before that it was a cult of pleading not to be burned alive for eternity.

Ok thanks. I'll check them out. The particular passages I had read in the past gave me the impression he had more compassion than not. And no, don't ask me to point out which ones on that because it was like 20 years ago..


Where was this, exactly

A local place near me called 2nd and Charles. It's a book and media re-seller


This is so messed up. Where do we even begin? Disaster.

Trouble is most of that crap is new testament verifiable, Christianity is seriously messed up.

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