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Not sure if i should even post this but here goes... Tonight i did what some might find strange, stupid, or maybe even offensive. As i left the gas station i stopped the local sherriff in the parking lot and thanked him for his service. I am a black man and yes i support the BLM movement. I also support the good cops who put their lives in danger to keep us safe. I don't see the need for them to be mutually exclusive. We have all heard the saying about judging a man by the content of his character. I can't expect a police officer to do this if i cannot do it myself. So yes, i thanked him, with the assumption that he is one of the good ones. Hopefully in these times of unrest he will remember that we all don't hate him just because he wears a badge.

This post isnt meant to go into all the nuances of BLM, police brutality, or systemic racism in the country. It is simply a description of a moment between two human beings. Something i strongly feel we need more of to truly make this nation "great"

Tutankhamun 7 Sep 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Noble intent. The problem is there are so many out there who feel, or have been conditioned through experience, to avoid encountering the police by all measure. Because there was nothing "positive" to results from those encounters. And for some that experience spans their entire lives. I look forward to the day that people realize their own ignorance, amorality, and prejudices. Guilt and embarrassment is a healthy response on the road of personal growth to becoming a better human being. America has a problem with patronizing certain groups to believe they are better than others. The struggle will be long.

I agree, and truthfully there was a time when I didnt want anything to do with the police either. Time and life experience has taught me better. People are people, and while it can sometimes be difficult I believe we all deserve a chance to show our character or lack of.


Wow. You're brave! I had to ask a police officer for directions to an eye hospital in my city the other day. I'm a 67-year-old woman, and I was frightened. You're lucky you found a docile one.


I don't talk to strangers.


Spot on. ❤️❤️🤗😍😍


Thank you for your humanity, sir. The world could sure use more people like you.


Even though I see a great many injustices perpetrated in this country by officers of the law I still go by the assumption that the majority are good people. For sure some are good people who consistently make bad judgement calls because their careers and livelihoods depend on it - but American society and voters consistently engineer a system that perpetuates such poor if not outright immoral decision making.

I'll admit I am not always positive when it comes to the police. But I always attempt to judge the individual and not give into the temptation to lump all people into a group. Regarding the system you speak of... Yea that would require a completely separate post


Sounds to me like you are a truly decent human being, the type this world needs more of.


You may like this post and my comments on it. []

Thank you for sharing and providing me with a new topic to research! I love how there are so many intelligent and informed people on here. I have learned something new today!

@Tutankhamun That's fine, only too pleased, here to share.

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