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Something for the weekend that is NOT politics, BLM, religion, etc. Enjoy the video!
<iframe width="400" height="500" frameborder="0" src="[];

Petter 9 Sep 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Gives a new meaning to the term "drag racing".


Just another nutter in normal evening in CA.


Yeah just another flaming a** in California. 🤯


A lot of effort to get to the police.


one way to light up the night


What strange behaviour.


The video didn't work. It was just a picture.

bbc generally takes a long time to load for some reason and a lot of times won't play unless there is plenty of room in your buffer.

I presume you did then click tte wedge shaped play button. In which case try again. It seems to have worked for others.


There was no wedge shaped button. So, I clicked on the picture and the video loaded.

Thanks for the heads-up.

@LiterateHiker Now enjoy your weekend, my hiking mad friend.

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