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“The past is never dead. It’s not even past. All of us labor in webs spun long before we were born, webs of heredity and environment, of desire and consequence, of history and eternity.” ― William Faulkner, Requiem for a Nun

WilliamCharles 8 Sep 26

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Yeah... Bernie just couldn't muster any support.


GTFO of here with that BS.


I’d take Trump over Hillary or Sanders any day.


Pure reeking horse manure.


It is not DNC. It is Bernie who rigged himself. You are running behind a wrong horse. If you stop doing it, you will begin seeing the truth clearly.

What DNC did and did not do is immaterial but this fear was very very real if Bernie was nominated in 2016:

  1. Trump's victory would have been assured and a bigger landslide
  2. Trump would complete his second term easily
  3. Trump would build the best and the largest Presidential Library in Florida that would also be a symbol of the greatest narcissist ever lived in America
  4. The admission would not be free to the library. We all, our grandchildren, foreign tourists would buy tickets to go see it
  5. Our grandchildren would go to Trump schools and colleges, drive on Trump highways, take off and land on Trump national and international airports
  6. Our grandchildren and their children would not complain about a national holiday for Trump's birthday
  7. Bernie's candidacy and defeat would galvanize the conservatives base, the conservative state legislatures, school boards
  8. Natural evolution lessons would be removed from school books and intelligent design would be included, American history would be revised, Christian prayers would be introduced at schools and at the beginning of all legislative sessions
  9. Ten Commandments monuments would be installed in front of all state houses
  10. Citizens vs. United would continue but Roe vs Wade would be overturned
  11. Anti-abortion would be the law of the land
  12. Gender based bathrooms laws would spread nationwide like wildfire
  13. All state and federal courts would be packed with ultra conservative and religious appointees
  14. Gun lobby and second amendment protections would get stronger
  15. Federal funding to Christianity in the country and overseas would increase
  16. The defeat lesson of the Democrats in 2020 would be taught in political science classes in Harvard
  17. Democrats would change parties in droves
  18. It would be embarrassing to be called a Democrat in streets
  19. The Republicans, religious right and religion would have a grip on Washington for the next 30 years.
  20. Racism would rise
  21. Civil Rights progress would be set back 50 years
  22. Racial hatred crimes would rise
  23. Biases and hatred against immigrants would rise
  24. America would lose further respect around the world
  25. Many Americans would move to Canada
  26. Many highly educated, qualified and successful immigrants would move back to home countries and to other countries (Canada, UK, Sweden, Norway, Finland)
  27. The religious right would call Trump's victory as the second coming of Jesus
  28. America would not remain a super power. China would rise without a challenge.

If this is not scary, what is? You do not know what you are toying with. You cannot drag the rest of Good America to hell with your mad errands with a mad guy like Bernie.

Therefore, if DNC did it, thank you DNC for saving us from a huge catastrophe. We could take one fuck and possibly recover in 2020 but we could not take repetitive fucks by Republicans every day in the Senate, House and the WH for 4 years and 30 years next.

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