About time you started thinking Biden is the solution for America.. Kudos to you.. It took you long enough
You are part of the problem, fanning any flame you can find, and spreading unadulterated crap to create false fear.
My "fear" is that Biden is Hillary 2.0 with similar results. When you rig primaries to kneecap a genuinely popular progressive to install a tone-deaf corporate tool, you get the backlash you deserve.
@WilliamCharles Two things: (1) No way in hell is Biden another Hi8llary. If you can't see the huge difference, you have a problem.; (2) Biden did not rig a damned thing.
@wordywalt - Biden got the nomination by those rigging the process. Biden was a willing accomplice. No one was clamoring for Joe.
@WilliamCharles I disagree -- strongly.
@wordywalt - then Biden can coast safely to the presidency, just like Madam Pantsuit did.
@WilliamCharles And u=you would choose either not to vote, or to vote for Trump? If so, you are an irrational, unpatriotic person.
@wordywalt - my CA vote makes no difference at all as far as the Blue/Red race goes. I plan to vote Green. It would have been nice to have a third party presence on the debate stage countering the corporate duopoly message.
What the DNC seems to be missing is that they risk losing the battleground states again by offering so little of what the base is actually looking for, and this is becoming to hurt down ballot races... again. People will stay home... again.
You can squawk all you want about how you think I'm supposed to vote. Maybe in your version of "democracy" you could cast my ballot for me, due to your clearly superior "patriotism," eh? This race is Biden's to lose. Last night he implored people to, "vote, vote, vote!" I implore him to support policies that will energize the base. Instead, he wants to try to win this on posturing platitudes and pablum.
He set the stage for the rise of Trump with his many years in politics. He's singularly awful. I chuckled every time he called Trump a liar (though he is), because Biden is a serial liar too. Sadly, people such as yourself can't see that or admit it.
@WilliamCharlesI do not understand your stance. Warren was my first choice, but any moral person must choose anyone other than the Offensive idiot Trump.
@wordywalt -
Fvck this addled corporate tool. Expect him to plant his feet firmly in his mouth many times over before we're through.
"Accused by Donald Trump of being dominated by a political party that wants to go “socialist,” Biden turned heads during Tuesday’s debate, declaring: “I am the Democratic Party.”"
@WilliamCharles Your last comment was despicable and uncalled for.
@wordywalt - if Creepy Uncle Joe can't stand the heat...