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To my fellow communicators at with whom I have had exchanges -- my sincerest, heartfelt thanks!! In the last month or so I have carried on more sincere intellectual exchanges than I have engaged in for years. Your questions and comments have caused me to address issues and analyze and synthesize my thoughts, You have caused me to recognize points I had not seen. You have raised questions of genuine moral and social concern. And, it feels SO good!!
I ask that you be tolerant of an old man who is direct, if not sometimes blunt. I seek precision in language, feel the need to correct factual mistakes or misstatements, and have strong opinions. Please bear with me, but I do not apologize for those behaviors. I simply seek to maintain a level of discourse which makes us all better. I have grown to see a number of you as colleagues, if not friends, and wish that I could actually meet a number of you. Again, thank you.

wordywalt 9 Nov 26

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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This is the best site I have found since 2004.

Forgive me, guys, if you send a private message and I don't reply. I'm still learning where stuff is.


I agree with you, Walt, I find this site very enlightening. I can have reasonable conversations with thoughtful people who debate ideas and for the most part, refrain from name calling and hostility. I have learned from the folks who are here to share and learn and I truly appreciate that. Oh, and for the record, you are one of my favorites. 🙂


We all have opinions, some strong and some tentative. No one should feel the need to apologize. We are learning from each other and we may not always agree but we are always respectful.

This is a good site and I hope it doesn't change. The different perspective I've learned has broadened my horizon and my hope is this will continue to do so.

Thank you "wordywalt" and to all the others for your input. This girl appreciates it very much. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Nov 26, 2017

I love you man?. Keep on enjoying the experience.

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