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A good friend of mine sent me this question the other day:

IS THIS TRUE???? copied from a friend....

If you go to the southwest desert and catch 100 fire ants as well as 100 large black ants and put them in a jar, at first, nothing will happen.

But, if you violently shake the jar and dump them back on the ground, the ants will fight until they eventually kill each other!

The thing is, the ants think the black ants are the enemy and vice versa, when in reality, the real enemy is the person who shook the jar.

This is exactly what’s happening in society today:
Liberal vs Conservative
Black vs
Pro Mask vs Anti Mask

The real question we need to be asking ourselves is who’s shaking the jar and why?

I answered them back saying:

I'd say that's pretty accurate, and it’s even worse than that with people:

People take their beliefs entirely serious. They believe in hard work, sacrifice, and doing without. So, they won't follow the money trails, because people have no accurate concept of how MUCH more money rich people are taking from our society. So, we all act stupid by nitpicing at each other’s minor flaws and differences, having no mind at all toward the gargantuan financial crimes that are perpetuated in the framework of our society.

Bernie and the other Democratic Socialists are mostly right. They are stupid for pursuing gun controls because most of the people having guns is not the actual problem in the gun deaths problem, and punishing all the good people is no way to control the bad, so, their multiplication in the complications and restrictions of gun laws only makes them the enemy.

Unfortunately, most people are passionately, stubbornly stupid.

Corporations of the wealthy aristocrats control our government through money flows, just like in Russia.

They override political pressures to pay higher wages and higher taxes by moving their operations across legal borders, paying the smallest overhead, with the smallest financial inputs to local societies, and then they bring their products back to their home markets to sell, taking money someone else seeded into society at large.

A strong legislature would tax that company at LEAST 90% for doing that, but the Corporations BRIBE our key leadership not to do their true jobs, so all the crooks get rich. THAT IS THE DEFINITION OF FASCISM.

Essentially, this criminal organization enslaves the citizens by theft and corruption. This is where we all live.

Anybody rich in politics has been complicit to these corruptions of our government, and anyone who comes out strong in the public eye against them disappears quietly or splendidly.

Trump himself is a rich guy who pays no taxes. He refuses to submit his records. Yet, his followers love him for it because he talks tough like they do.

But they are poor people and they DO pay taxes like you and I do and they know it. But they are afraid because their beliefs say the system is always “right”… because, just like their God it always gives them tough love, so God and government are always right.

The only documents leaked out about Donald Trumps taxes show he paid no taxes and has lawyers arguing with the IRS. But no one questions him because:

  1. They are on the take.
  2. They are afraid.
  3. They are weak & powerless.
  4. They are stupid.
    But, they are still alive, mostly, AND we know when we are out gunned, therefore we surrender and suck-up to the criminals in power, much like kidnap victims suffering from “Stockholm Syndrome”.

Many of those who thought they were strong enough, and powerful enough to stand up against "the system" are dead.

Powerful people, even when they do wrong, are like alpha wolves... sometimes, they will sit back and watch to see how far their opposition will go. But then, they will go in calm, quiet, and fast for the kill, while no one is watching. Then, the show is all over. Nothing to see here folks, move on along people... just like a flock of sheep.

Then the mourning and memorials start. Sometimes, a new religion is born. But the main point is lost and people mostly talk and act in all the things that do not matter.

If you want to know the real truth, follow the money trails.

Do be careful though… discrete actually. This stuff really can get us killed. Wouldn’t THAT be stupid?

EarnestEccentric 7 Oct 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Well said.

I agree with your assessment of the democratic socialists. They have great policies but going after guns is a critical error. Many people who find their policies to be favorable are turned off by the anti-gun rhetoric. At least Bernie isn't as committed to gun control as the liberals are though. I would add that their habits of playing identity politics also hurts them.

Here is the story about the ants in meme form.

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