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How to start a conspiracy theory:

Remind people that under HIPAA regulations, doctors are only allowed to release information that the patient agrees to be released.

As such, we are not getting the complete picture of Trump's health should Trump only want the good released and not the bad.

TheMiddleWay 8 Oct 4

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Perhaps we will be told he is alive and doing well days after he is dead.


We don't know the exact condition. I think there is an agreed upon rule at the top to give generally accurate information without specific details.

@TheMiddleWay Time will tell. I think I read, (you posted?) somewhere, there is only 4% mortality rate for his age group.

@TheMiddleWay Also, I think the public has a right to know if the oxygen levels ever reached concerning levels.

@TheMiddleWay There is so much garbage on the internet it is hard to believe. They post videos just to make ppl think all of this awful stuff is going on. Anyway, the oxygen level Q is important and hopefully reportes will press the issue.

@TheMiddleWay You are involved with administation here? Can I ask a Q?

@TheMiddleWay I might ask another time, but thanks anyway.

@TheMiddleWay Now they are saying he was treated with steriods, which isn't advisable in mild cases.

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