Is there going to be a Republican presidential debate?
Can we lead our selves, have the Government only take care of the small stuff.
I don't think the Government gives a shit about us.
Give me anything.
'Republican presidential debate'? I doubt it. The primaries were over a while ago.
We are being forced to move (hopefully forward?) from where we are. We can throw up our hands and not vote (and presumably not work legitimately for change) but then we deserve the choice we made.
Personally, I think our first task is to rid ourselves of the conservative criminals currently in the White House and Senate. But that's my opinion.
Granted, we will still be in a far from optimal position. But even a small start is better than nothing. The realities of our world with respect to fundamental problems like climate change, population and pollution are going to start forcing our decisions soon enough anyway. Any movement towards a non-selfish, evidence-based worldview is to the good.
I agree whole heartedly.
Between two evils, I pick none.
I don't understand politics anymore than the 2.1 success rate over 5 years of chemotherapy.
Give me the ounce of medicine (I choose) rather than the pound of cure, from people who don't care about you or me.
Then there will be no tolerance of bitching from you about the government if you're not going to perform your civic duty.
And the Republicans have proven that they don't want you to have access to medicine so I trust you don't expect any assistance from them.
I don't trust the US government because a president is of a corporation, not of a country. US is not a true democracy, wail my faith is in the collective consciousness of the people. If you don't agree with the largest corporations in the world , US Military and US injustice system. They lock you up at 25% of the world population in the US prisons. Or have 50% the world military invade your country, fuck that nobody owns me.
The handling of the covid, has the health care system killing more people than the covid, wail the medical profession is the leading cause of death in the world. Since I am my own best doctor and happy for it. Why trust their 75% empty promises and huge lack of human rights and freedoms. It all for their crooked huge corporations
@Castlepaloma Your posts are disingenuous because you are not an American citizen.
I lived in the US for 30 years and much of my family lives there. I now live in Nova Scotia Canada, yet a few Americans keep inviting me to partner with them in the art and amusement business. I am happy here, yet an American told me, happiness is not everything.
To me, I wish happiness was our Gross National product. It's not healthy, to be unhappy. Slowly I became unhappy in the US, as most everything got worst.
@Castlepaloma Can't argue with that.