5 12

Fried chicken seasoned only with salt, black pepper, and cayenne...
And... Corny white rice cooked in the same pan... Extra flavor ☺

Also served with... (not pictured)
Tomato soup
Spinach salad
Salsa and corn chips
Chessy garlic bread

Cutiebeauty 9 Oct 15

Enjoy being online again!

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I'll settle for the spinach salad, tomato soup and garlic bread. I don't eat drums and chicken skin. I also only eat Indian (basmati) rice 😊

Yes, basmati rice or jasmine rice is terrific! When I make them, I rarely add much seasonings.. The plate you see here is Frankie's plate.. I had only one drum stick and less than a third of that rice on the plate.. I failed to mention I also had a two bean salad with this meal.. ☺ I like a buffet type meal.. You know, a little bit of this, a little bit of that.. It's more nutritional imo. ☺

@Cutiebeauty yes a little bit of this and that is great and extra nutritional like you say.

@TimeOutForMe it works for me ☺


Make more. Does West Bubble Fuck have an airport?

Yes, NYC has an airport


Dang. I'll be right over!

skado Level 9 Oct 15, 2020

I'll have to make more then ☺

I hate it when that happens! 😁


That's it, I'm coming over!

Too late, all gone ☺


That looks and sounds delicious!

It was delicious!! ☺ super yummy in my tummy... And Frankie loved it too 😘😘

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