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Is covid bringing us back to the great depression and the health care system killing us more than the covid?

Castlepaloma 8 Oct 16

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Covid world order.
Many think I am the crazy one. But the numbers don't lie.

There are many greater ways to die than covid. We just don't shut down each one of them. It's a distraction for crowd control.

Richard Dawkins quote, nationalism is more dangerous than religion. Too bad, many here rather not follow themselves first. They say truth hurts, only to an ellusiotnist.


Fair ?s and right now I honestly don't know the answers to them.


No. Once the pandemic is over, and it will end, we'll have a recovery. The lack of health care contributes to the death rate.

When there is 15 other diesese killing us greater than the covid this year. Then, what makes covid so special? other than its new. Hospital are telling nurses, when a person has a bad cold, tell them they have covid. That is why the covid cases are way up and the death rate from Covid is way down from May. Like all diseases, our ammunity system needs practice, or the medical profession and poverty continues to be the leading cause of death in the world.

A few YouTube across the country have been shutdown in Canada from a few nurse testimonials about faking their reports, in favor of covid. I myself have been over due 9 month from heart valve testing. Heart diseases will kill nearly half the people on earth. Most heart dieses people are suffering a similar deadly issue.

Pot was illegal for 95 years in Canada, many are now finding out cannabis has been the best medicine known to man, because we are allowed testing with honest results.
You can trust those nationism leaders who can't even keep 25% of their promises, I will continue to keep 100% of mine.

@Castlepaloma Covid-19 is the third leading cause of death in the US. Heart disease 600K, Cancer 550K and Covid-19 220K (so far) is third. There are not 15 other diseases with more deaths, there are two. People just throw out statistics. Did you hear that, read that or make it up? I guess you heard it from the same person who told you nurses are instructed to tell people with colds that they have Covid. If I wanted to see idiotic comments of go to Facebook. I thought the deplorables were all in the United States, I guess Halifax has its share as well.

I am a senior and only a couple of years back I had heart valve problems. Up to then, I traveled over a 100 countries and did not spend a night in a hospital bed since I was born. Check the list of top ten ways to die in the world, covid is not on the list worldwide.

About 16 million deaths in the US last year, mostly by diseases. Who really knows?, if most of those
215.000 covid19 deaths were really cause by other causes, and Covid got blame for it. Like China did it. Ban China wail you have 150 times greater chance of catching covid from an American than a Chinese person. The Maritimers are honest about their numbers. I lived in the US long enough to not trust the Government, I trust anarchy and strong individuals much more.

Don't get me wrong, I suppose many of the protection methods in place. World war 2, had 80 million deaths, but they did not lockdown the working man. Our ammune System needs practice allowing healthy food, and excerize, is most of the solution.

  1. Pandemics are an inevitable result of the crowded living conditions, increased global chains of Corporation-ISM. On purpose a great deal of confusion generated by the mass media about the science and government actions related to the coronavirus pandemic.

  2. The majority are not critically evaluate the information and opinions that are being disseminated about the coronavirus pandemic. Their pre-conceived notions tend to react emotionally and defensively to any such challenges.

  3. The government strategies of lockdowns and other restrictions are doomed to fail, because the objectives are not clearly articulated to begin with, the destructive consequences of these policies far outweighs any potential benefits, and even a widely-available vaccine would not be able to eradicate the coronavirus. . The country could crumble from following bought and paid for, so called, leaders, who don't give fuck about us!

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