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Where will the current pandemic stand in history?


dave1459 8 Oct 17

Enjoy being online again!

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This is pretty interesting, case vs crude vs infection fatality rates. I prefer going by crude myself: []

You crude woman, you! 😅🤣

@Petter i did wonder if that might give someone a smile 😉


Towards the very end...


These are in chronological order not in order of severity as your comment suggests. This link is also from March before the virus took off. The coronavirus would be on this list ahead of Ebola, Zika, H1N1. You should get a job at Fox News.

I have always thought it would be fun to work for one of those magazines at the checkout line at the grocery store. One could just make up shit and see where it goes. One would not really have to know or read anything, just one's imagination. Then we get the cheeto and we elect someone who would be great for that job. To bad we elected him for president.

@dave1459 Byline is from March 30, 2020 when Trump told America this was a hoax. He knew it wasn't. Since then 230K dead, probably more. Some people back then were stupid enough to believe him. Anybody who says that now, know it's a lie, they're just liars as well. Nobody could be that stupid.

@dave1459 I read the link. Your link. I'm making assumptions about your motivation not Donald Trump's. Is it or is it not from March 30th? Believe me I can think for myself.

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