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There is no depth to which this president will not stoop. The White House looks and behaves more like the Kremlin with each day Donald Trump occupies it.

p-nullifidian 8 Oct 22

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The slow whittling away of worker's rights has been speeded up, but at some point the pushback is going to get serious, and the clowns in Washington will be running and hiding.

BTW . . . . The Kremlin is more democratic than the good old US of A. They do not use superdelegates, and, they consider a candidate to have won based only on the popular vote, not the gerrymandering crock of shit we have to put up with.


Another clear sign that Trump expects to lose. He's just salting the earth for the next administration. It's going to take decades to rebuild what Trump and his enablers tore down in a matter of months.

Indeed! Trump has demonstrated a weakness in our system that the Framers likely never considered: the election of a completely unscrupulous, dishonest, destructive and self-dealing executive, unchecked by at least one of the two chambers of congress. The impeachment over the Ukraine affair is long forgotten, and has only emboldened the president. We now can clearly see that there is too much power in the hands of the executive branch, as Trump has opened the door to an autocracy that Nixon would have killed for.

@p-nullifidian We've seen the opposite as well, though; legislatures determined to stymie any progress on the president's agenda, simply because it denies them any record of accomplishments on which to run for another term. Recall McConnell's quote that his greatest priority was ensuring Obama would be a one-term president. The relative power of legislative and executive is not the main issue, as Trump would have been gone long ago without his enablers in his own party.

The framers simply did not foresee an era in which an entire party would kowtow to the lowest common denominator, for fear of losing their grip on power. They did not foresee a group of such short-sighted cowards who would be so wedded to achieving the policy priorities of seating judges and tax cuts (which would have been equally possible under a President Pence, post-impeachment) that they would toss aside any vestige of conscience and knuckle under for fear of the Twitterocracy. They did not foresee this tyranny of the loudest voice.


After this joke of a debate!!!

trump is is such an overly moronic idiot that he can not actually tell the truth when he speaks!

trump owes Putin and his oligarchs over $400 million, that is just Russia!!

We have no idea what he owes other dictators and drug cartels which is upwards of $600 to $900 million.

trump is even printing his own money now!!


HR: Oh, that’s just his authoritarian... “management style” 😂

Mvtt Level 7 Oct 22, 2020

Best President in decades

The best president in decades...if you do not mind a sociopath occupying the White House.


He will certainly go down in history as the greatest President between 2016 and the end of his term. Other than that, I'm not sure by what standards you are measuring that Trump could be considered a "best" anything.

Liar? Self-deluder? TV watcher? Twitter user? Science denier?

@CourtJester What ever that means. I don't have the sound turned on on my computer so childish nonsense posts are wasted on me. Just for the record, I was a trained neuropsychiatric technician in the army so Ido know what a sociopath is (as does Trump's niece who has a doctorate in psychology) as opposed to someone who uses the terms "psychopath" or "sociopath" as insults. Trump is truly a sociopath...and not a very intelligent one at that.

@CourtJester @dahermit Funny thing, the far right had the exact same reactions to Clinton and Obama. But they made death threats, too. That's the difference between liberals and conservatives today; you don't see Biden supporters standing outside voting stations with AR-15s trying to intimidate Trump voters.

The Far Right owns the patent on trying to take by violence what they can't win by a fair election.

@Paul4747 Correct. You see them burning down cities like Portland and Minneapolis.

@CourtJester I can see your mind is made up about Trump, I won't confuse you with any more facts.

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