10 11

Continued headache, still gut problems but I am not going to complain. It's remaining out of my organs and no cough. One thing to know with me, if I say that I have a headache and body aches, it's got to be really bad, I feel pain only when it's extreme. I had a hole in my colon with no pain, I've had two kids, and only felt the pressure at the end. Don't would have been better to have felt the pain with the colon hole.

I'd say I'm getting off with mild symptoms. Test next week some time to verify.

Larimar 8 Oct 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Another thing that I haven't mentioned previously. I have a thing from my last surgery to expand your lung capacity, blow into the tube and raise the little ball. I have been using it daily. Not sure if it helps but it can't hurt either.


Hugs and kisses... ☺


You'll get through you'll see. You're doing the right things - isolating and taking your Vit D & C. Stay strong, stay safe 🤗


Keep on making good progress...thanks for keeping us informed.


I suffer from Crohn’s disease so I can never trust a fart and struggle to be as anal retentive as I can. From what I understand COVID if for no other reason is something I need to avoid. I managed to win against type II diabetes and skin cancer, but even after all that life is still shitty.
I hope your recovery is full and imminent.


Keep being stoic - it's good for mental stability. Also, keep us posted on progress. Hope it turns out to be more of a mole hill than a mountain.


Good that you knew it was coming and could prepare mentally and with practical ways too. Hopefully the symptoms will come and go and you'll be over with it in 10 days or so, as many are reporting.


I hope this is as bad as it gets, and that it's on the upswing now.


I'd be a bigger hater than I already am. If there had been adequate testing in this country you probably wouldn't have gotten infected. Hope you're feeling better.


Sorry you continue to feel virus pain. I hope the pain will induce your doctor to give you the best medicines to eradicate the virus.

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