[backreaction.blogspot.com] I found myself looking at videos with Sabine Hoffenfelder and found this to be hard to understand but quite interesting as it is an Astrophysicist - who is used to looking at large data fields with many dimensions - This is about what the Science tells us about what is going to be happening with the Covid Virus. Would be interested in hearing what you think.
An explanation of Herd Immunity:
After listening to both of these videos it is easy to see that Trump is trying to kill his supporters. Herd immunity does not mean what he thinks it means and it does nothing to stop the virus. Also, it is evident that anyone who has gotten the virus is able to get the virus again after three months as the virus mutates to something else that is not affected by the immune system, which also means that any vaccine will not be effective as it will not attack all form of the virus that inhabits the human race. This is a particularly nasty virus and the results of what we have been doing in the US will lead to many more of us dying. If Trump knew of any of these dangers, which the Woodward book notes then he is guilty of Murder. Sabine is German and so she does not have to be affected by the Administration and has no ax to grind about our politics.
@dalefvictor This is why I keep saying Trump should be charged with a quarter million cases of negligent manslaughter at the very least, so far. I'm not being political or hyperbolic I'm being factual.