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Another monster raving lunatic shouting 'Allahu Akbar' has just killed three people in France: []

anglophone 9 Oct 29

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No news of that kind of insanity in China. China has a reputation for being rough and tight on security, well it has paid off. They also put a bit of a lid on religions, not just Islam and Christianity. GROG

GROG Level 6 Oct 29, 2020

They are such fanatics! How barbaric


He has nothing on American terrorist.
Right-wing extremists have killed 329 victims in the last 25 years, and that's not counting Oklahoma City where 168 people were killed.
Yet the terrorist leader Donald Trump has right wingers pooping themselves in fear of antifa which has a death count of zero.
I'll worry about Islamic extremist after the much bigger problem of Christian extremist has been brought down to manageable levels.
Not that I'm excusing either.


He has been arrested. Now he should be maimed, grievously, and blinded. Then it should be announced he attempted to kill others in prison, who were forced to defend themselves in whatever way they could.
Finally, blind and limbless, he should be set free, thus avoiding him becoming a glorious martyr.


Sounds like a Nice place for some puns to come from.

Word Level 8 Oct 29, 2020
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