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I was able to confirm my mail-in ballot had been counted! My state, and probably all others, has a site which confirms receipt/log-in. I went to "Voter Registration/[my state]" & followed the prompts....peace of mind!

AnneWimsey 9 Oct 31

Enjoy being online again!

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I am voting in person Tuesday


Mine had been confirmed some time ago … as volunteers noted when asking for my help. Told them I haven’t the time - as I’m too busy helping already! Your calls & texts are just slowing me down ..I’ve told them 🙂

Varn Level 8 Nov 1, 2020

Thanks for sharing that.
My mail-in ballot was validated too.


They verify receipt of the ballot. Since PA is not allowed to start counting until the morning of November 3, I have to depend on their word it will be counted.


How to Track Your Absentee and Mail-In Ballot Status by State -- [] . Happy Halloween! 👻👺👹👻

I'm a little paranoid (and it's a cheap little pick-me-up). I keep rechecking my and my wife's statuses to make sure they haven't changed (As if there were something I could do about it if they do. Ha, ha😋).

AZ supposedly has started counting early ballots. They just haven't told anyone the counts yet.

Thank you! That site actually worked and showed my checked in on the 15. The day I dropped it off 🙂


As far as I can find Ky doesn't start counting until election day. But I heard on a PBS show called Comment Kentucky just last night that that had been changed during the primary. The site that lets one now if their ballot has been counted never recognizes me. All very puzzling.
On the bright side more Biden\Harris signs are cropping up everyday.


I early-voted in person and fed the ballot into the machine myself. It only took 25 minutes.


I did the same.


Let's hope it works out after Tuesday.

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