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Same same . . . .

Archeus_Lore 7 Nov 7

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Exactly, presidential politics has turned into pro wrestling. No wonder Jesse Ventura ran and won in MInnesota. They should just go all in and have the election coverag,e done by the WWF announcers wearing tuxes. I wised up before I even could vote, but all my awareness does is make me angry and depressed every four years. I have never been given a major party candidate to choose for prez that wasn't some form of evil. I am just barely young enough to have missed out on being able to vote for McGovern in 1972, the last time the Dem Party nominated a progressive. Unfortunately, he was running against the evil, masterful liar Tricky Dick Nixon, an even better liar than Obama. Ever since then the Dem Party and the corporate media have kept trotting out that landslide loss as proof positive that a progressive can't win a prez election. How would they know when a major party hasn't tried 50 years and the fear of communism or socialism in the US has undoubtedly grown way less powerful since then, esp. among younger people? But the corporate media and Dem Party have done their best to keep spreading that propaganda anyway. Talk about circular logic...

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