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Applicants wishing to join Aussie Sceptics please note.
After a discussion with the Admin it has been deemed that as Moderator I can and will ask that ALL future Applicants have available for perusal an actual Bio, etc, on their Profile page, rather than merely as screen-name.
This is being instigated as an Anti-Troll measure ONLY and comes into Effect as of now.

Triphid 9 Nov 12

Enjoy being online again!

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So it should be.

Thank you for agreeing.

@Triphid It doesn't have to be too personal, but a little simple writeup is always more welcome than nothing at all except a name.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Exactly and not just having 'A member' as a screen name.
Which, btw, when clicked on takes you absolutely nowhere anyway.

@Triphid Yes, & if a little effort can't be made, why bother joining the site?

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