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Trump's been relegated to the uncle no one wanted to come to the holiday dinner in the first place, but showed up and made an ass of himself, and now everyone is relieved that he's finally leaving. He's reluctantly getting into the car, but at least he's leaving.

redbai 8 Nov 16

Enjoy being online again!

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trump’s that asswhole who wants to take everything with him without bringing anything in the first place!!!


He's nowhere near his car, we have the front door open but he won't get up from the easy chair.

I was reaching for an optimistic perspective, but I can certainly see yours.


To me, he will always be the National Embarrassment. I'd like to see the Federal Bureau of Prisons reopen the old Fort Jefferson Penitentiary in the Dry Tortuga's, just for the Trump Crime Family. At the very least, I would like to see them all deported-- to an Arctic iceberg, guarded by Polar Bears!


Going off to plagiarize "Mein Kampf," someplace - hopefully to a prison cell.

TO_BY Level 7 Nov 17, 2020

He is that uncle. Just ask Mary Trump.

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