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If you decide to buy a vehicle , which is a rather expensive deal , and need to borrow money to finance the transaction , the lender will check your credit and your normal income , before lending you the money . If you choose to invest in a home , again , the lender will check your credit and your income to be assured that you will be capable of repaying the loan . According to the 2015 census , it now costs over $250,000 , to raise a child . That's over a quarter of a million dollars , to raise a child . I see a lot of men interested in having sex either long term or hookups , but not only do I see absolutely nothing from them about being responsible for their actions , they even feel the right to shame women into even trying to find out if they will be responsible in any way for the damage they can cause to a woman's life . Women STILL earn 20% less than a man , for doing the same work , but in addition , she will have to leave her job for at least a couple of months for the birth and recovery period after the birth . Perhaps it would make more sense if a woman required a quarter million deposit , before she had sex them , she won't have to inquire as to a man's intentions or ability to be responsible .

Cast1es 9 Apr 11

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I don't understand why people don't see the benefits of loans because they are used for many things. Not all people have big salaries to immediately buy a house or quickly save up for a new house or its construction. I took out a mortgage on a house with the help of Mortgage Advice Nottingham and have never regretted it. The main thing is discipline, and then you will get used to it. I don't see anything wrong with the fact that many people use this function and even more condemn it and say that only financially illiterate people use it. After all, everyone knows that many large companies started their business with loans.


Childless by choice made me a rich woman.


I'm so glad my baby birthin' days are long gone.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 11, 2018
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