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Why do so many people on here, especially the self-described atheists, spend so much time discussing religion? I know that everyone has had a rough time because of religion, but that happens with other things throughout life, and we move on. With religion, it almost seems like some people just can't let it go. I see far more religion bashing than I would have expected. Sometimes I think this website's name should have been "Religion Bashers" or something instead of agnostic.

I don't think spending so much time and thought on something you've already made your choice about is productive.

marga 7 Apr 11

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57 comments (26 - 50)

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Some of us, in addition to being atheists, are also anti-theists.
I will bash the hell out of religion, every damned opportunity I get.
It is evil, it warps minds, it fucking kills people. It is being forced upon everyone through it's influence on our laws.
It is no longer possible for me to just "live and let live". That ship has sailed.

I also view religious thought as a detriment to society as a whole. But seek to limit it's influence through non-violent things such as argumentation. But I'm often unable to do this due to the fear of being shunned and ostracized. Most people respond to that by saying "but not all religious people are bad!" Yeah, I didn't say that. Just because some religious people are better than others does not mean religious thought is not problematic. Not relevant.

I think the live and let live mentality has contributed to this mess. Let people believe absurdities because those absurdities have equal weight to everything else. There has to be a point where we a draw a line between what's acceptable and what is not acceptable.

@AustinSkepticus I do not suggest violence, but I have no issue with actively arguing against all religion. I am not afraid of being "shunned". I'd have some very well chosen words for anyone who even tried to do that. I'm done being nice. Being nice is what got us into this mess.


Eh. To each their own. I like having a space where we can discuss its faults and foibles without a bunch of people barging in and being all HOW DARE YOU.


Good point. Live and let live.


The greater question might be, why are you so angry about it?

@Ellendale: No, the greater question might be: Why do you assume I'm angry? That tells me a lot about you.

@Ellendale: I didn't assume you are angry....that's what you did to me.

@marga As a linguist, I see your rhetoric gives it away. Others feel the condescending tone not just in your post but your responses. I felt the same way when I came on months ago. However, the part you refer to is such a tiny, microscopic part of what is discussed here, especially on today's site. Whatever part you dislike, move past it and find things you do like. I'm sure you will enjoy the members and vice versa much more once you do. Peace.

@EllenDale Whatever.


Just as a Christian chat forum would no doubt have countless discussions of Christ, people here have found a safe place to openly air out their grievances or ideas with those who have similar beliefs; or lack of beliefs, depending on your definitions. 🙂


I live in Tennessee, also known as the bible belt. Religion is talked about in person and on social media pretty much everyday. It's annoying and sometimes I can't help but express how ignorant people are about it.


I don't believe in any mythical deities, but I enjoy discussing religions of the world as well as world history. Both topics are important parts of human culture.

I'd love a world history group . that would be fun to see everybody's understanding of what's gone down in the last 200 years

I participate in a "Beer and Theology" group every Sunday, where we discuss History, Philosophy, Art, Music, Novels, Poetry, and numerous world religions. Very informative and interesting.


There are many reasons people are easily upset when it comes to religion and the discussion of religion. It's a means to control the masses..which many find upsetting. The institution itself is a predatory means for a lot of pedofiles....and ignored for the most part. The churches are sitting on tax-free property, while the rest of us will never fully own our property due to yearly taxes having to be paid. I also feel that a lot of athiest/agnostic feel that they have to stay in the "closet" due to other people's judgment of the matter. I was told on a Sunday once that I was not to mow my lawn.....not sure who makes up these

Click on the video link for the best take on religion I've ever heard with an interview with Stephen won't be disappointed

But that's just it...I don't want any take on religion.

I would agree with you there....but the fact that religion has been around for ions....don't think it will be a discussion that will be dropped anytime in the near future for any of us....believer or non believer....the bashing of different beliefs will go

@MelAbby10 - For me, at this point I don't even want to eradicate religion from society - mainly because I think it's so far off it's not even worth discussing until we make more strides, mainly towards acceptance.

I simply want for us to be able to be equal and full members of society, accepted for who we are, valued for what we offer, and allowed to live our lives out of the closet and without fear of government sponsored discrimination. And I have hope, based on the recent and remarkable strides made by th LBTQ community.

Once we get there we can reassess what else could be and should be done.

@Geektheist I think we all just want to be accepted for who we are and whatever our beliefs may be. I don't think anybody should be condemned for either of these reasons regardless of what my thoughts are on the each his own. I think as long as you are not harming anyone else in this should be left alone to do what makes you happy. I think we are making strides in that direction....albeit slow. It did take women over 100 years to earn the right to vote....we are slow to make progress in this society...but I like to believe we eventually get there....🙂


I think it is because of the fact that religious people feel the need to change us when we don't feel the need to change. For most of us, leaving religion WAS the change. People raise their hackles when they are constantly required to defend themselves.


Personally i have no interest - the folks who do stay on that tack seem to have been affected by specific experience and when i talk to them there is a good reason mostly. I.e. being beaten lots as a child by angry nuns ! 😉 Those fuckers beat beat people silly and locked em in cupboards.

I know right! I have to pay people good money to get that shit done nowadays 🙂

@JimmyM lol!!!


Do you know how much Southern xians talk about religion? Take a step back and listen.

And now consider what it would be like for two atheists having an open discussion about religion in public. I've done it - it's not pretty. I've had families move away from me in a chik-fil-a if they overheard me mention I'm an atheist.

So this offers me the opportunity to discuss it openly.


How can we not discuss religion. I was brainwashed from the time I was an infant to believe the unbelievable. I was fed lies (even though my parents didn't know they were lies) all my young life. When I look back on it, I'm appalled and it makes me very sad.
The things religion does to people is unforgivable. When I found this group, it was a breath of fresh air. Give religion hell, I say. It deserves hell, it invented it!

You said this perfectly.


As I watch atheists on the public, I get the idea that it’s more of an ideology—a direct response to religion. This is one of a few reasons I don’t use this term.


Totally agree, but this website is just asking for the militant type, and those that are just dying for attention, like vegans that are just dying to tell you that they are vegan. The whole idea of labelling ourselves is redundant. Why do you need a name for a negative? We don't call people who don't do art "non-artists", or someone who doesn't play sports an "unathlete".


I hope to become more and more free of religion, as the years since my de-conversion grow longer. But, I was deeply brain-washed, for one thing. I also have a lot of religious friends and family and struggle how to reconcile my love of truth and desire that everybody would be free from religion, with the need for healthy, happy, loving relationships and the knowledge that many people I know will likely never de-convert, no matter what anybody says or does. Discussion helps me work all that out.


She seems nice.


Is having a conversation about conversations about the topic much better? 😉

Whatcha, whatcha, whatcha... wanna talk about?

I agree with your sentiment. We have an open field! Why run in circles?


I believe for the most part it's maybe the new guys like myself. The most obvious subject but, idk if it's the most appropriate for meeting people. It's my second day and I've noticed that too. Totally see where you're coming from.


I know right? I swear to God (eh? Lol) it's like all I did was trade one hate group for another

hate to break it to you but the battle has hardly begun


Becuase it is so intrusive on our lives. Between bad laws based on religious ideas and worse, politicians, we can't get away from it.


Obviously I can't speak for all atheists, but I know for me, as a Bible-Belt, Southern, Outspoken Atheist I am confronted with religion in damn near every facet of my life, every day. Religion - specifically dogmatic, evangelistic, aggressive xianity - is not only deep in the culture itself, it also permeates government from top to bottom. Atheists are openly, aggressively attacked and persecuted on a weekly - and sometimes daily - basis.

So often my discussions revolve around the latest way the powers-that-be are trying to fuck us. For instance, there is a strong push to allow private adoption agencies to turn down an otherwise highly qualified adoption applicant simply because they are atheist. No other reason.

And don't get me started about the fucking Trump Administration and how they're trying to fuck us seven ways from Sunday.

So yeah, I like to vent, to discuss it, and to figure out if - and now - I can do something to combat it.

If you want society to change, then get off your ass and work to change it.


When someones religious beliefs impact daily, others who don't hold those same beliefs, there is inevitably going to be bashing, and with good cause.
I believe that anyone should be free to worship who or whatever they want, whenever they want to do it. Right up to the point where it starts affecting others. That's the point when intervention is required. Stern intervention.


I've noticed that non-theists who live or are surrounded by overtly reglious tend to identify more strongly atheist and those who live in more liberal, non-reglious communities consider themselves more agnostic. Understandably so. There's an opposing magnetic response many of us feel towards religion and the religious proximity and involvement in our daily lives can produce that pushback.

jash Level 3 Apr 12, 2018

I loved growing up attending church of England schools and ocassionally going to church. It was fun, lots of pretty songs and jolly people. I just never believed it...any of it. Neither did my parents, grandparents or just about anyone I know. Apart from a few friends who are Muslims and one lady at work who is Christian (swears like a trouper and downs pints like a thirsty miner!) I know no religious people at all. Its like being gay or wearing bikinis...just not for me. If it is for you...good luck to ya. (Just keep away from my kids!)

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