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Religious Republicans

LuvLayne 7 Nov 18

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All believers blame satanist demonRATs while thanking geebush geehobah ghostholes for fulfilling alleged bible prophecy in Palestine&Jerusalem....religion is a moving target always making things up out of thin air .... the alleged word "god" does not exist in the USA Constitution of 1787 but believers say geebush geehobah ghostholes PERSONALLY wrote every word so white xians could steal Red land and be forgiven for genocide


It does not matter!!!

It is what ever the wealthy and their corporations will it to be as god’s word so be it!!!


In 2016 Clinton immediately acknowledged her loss the next day.
Still Fox went on for a month about crybaby liberals not accepting the results.
If there were a class for being crybabies the professors teaching would be Republicans.
They say he who smelt it dealt it, and I believe the principle applies to being a bunch of snowflakes.
They set a mental trap for themselves, God can't fail, Trump is Gods will, we can't lose the election because God wills it. Much like the Templars in the movie "Kingdom of Heaven" about the times of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem when the city was under Islamic threat.
Their hubris has rendered them more childish than usual and they were profoundly childish to begin with. The Templar obsession with war led to the fall of Jerusalem to Saladin one of the great Islamic military leaders.

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