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I find it weird that when I was a child older folks complained about the “younger generation” Facebook has brought a whole new group of people complaining about “when I was kid...” this idea is not true! As people get older they don’t understand the maturity of the younger people and it bothers them. Older people remember themselves as more “respectful” I wonder why? I was a little shit and got my ass beat a lot! It didn’t make me behave it made me sneaky! Do you find yourself thinking “when I was a kid....”?

Joshuahenley 6 Apr 11

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Its called life


Nah, I only find myself marveling more and more about how quickly everything is moving and what the future holds. Kids today have far more information at their fingertips than what was available to me as a child. When I was young and had a challenging question, if the adults aroud me didn't know, I had to go to the library and pour through books to see what other people thought. The process is much faster now! The new skill isn't finding information, so much as sorting through it and finding something with veracity. I'm looking forward to the great minds that are going to come out of this environment of free flowing information. Perhaps one of the prices is that an intelligent youth may find sovereignty through exploration of rational concepts and challenge bossy adults who can't justify their swagger. I know some sharp youngin's that fit the profile.


"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."
Attributed to Socrates, by Plato, and both have been dead longer than christianity has existed.


Oh do I ever...


I think i was a shit too sometimes like you lol !! well said.. Not much changes. Evolution of any kind is painfully slow 🙂


Every generation ends up looking down on the newer generation, but they're wrong - every new young generation is the best there's ever been.

Jnei Level 8 Apr 11, 2018

They are the living future! YES


I think "when I was a kid" all the time, but usually for the opposite reasons. The world seems much more complicated now. They can't run free in the neighbourhoods and be kids anymore. There are more social pressures, School is longer and its harder to get away with things. Decent jobs out of highschool are nearly nonexistant. Higher education is more expensive and many choices are complete scams.
I worry for so many reasons that my kids will have a much harder time making it in this world than I have enjoyed.

MsAl Level 8 Apr 11, 2018

I don't envy younger generation...they have it a lot harder and face more difficulties and problems than even my generation faced.


It's not odd. We've reached peak shitty generation.


Sometimes, but a lot of my prejudices were instilled in me, some wrongly, and I have to work past them and remind myself that some of my ideals are antiquidated. Other times it just reminds me how old I am lol. One time I was working at JCPenny and a kid about 13 asked me where the 'bandies' were and when she explained them I was like "my goodness when I was your age they were called tube tops and only prostitutes wore them"


When I was a kid I was so naive and didn't know as much as the kids today. They are connected to their smart phones and are technological wizards with marketable skills in this high tech age. My 22 year old daughter chastises my lack of knowledge of computers and the internet.

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