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Can Republicans get any more stupid and self-deluded. 70% of Republicans believe that Biden's election win is fraudulant and illegitimate.

All evidence points to the FACT that this is untrue. I always said Republicans hate facts and evidence. But they're willing to sacrifice the Republic to satisfy their illegitimate fantasy of trump win. trumpers are not patriots, they are traitors and seditionists.

t1nick 8 Nov 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Do you think they understand the implications of upending democratic rule because I do not think a large segment of them do.

No, I do not think they do. My suspicion is that most of them slept through their Civics class in high school.


No end to their delusions don't want to give up power

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 20, 2020

So true. So sad.


It's like a cult - their followers are told to disregard the regular news and only pay attention to the disinformation peddled by their own narrow media interests.

While the mainstream media has kept out of the divide for the most part, these past 4 years, trying to present a fair balance of news, I've been heartened to see that even my local news is reporting that the emperor has no clothes, by describing Trumps accusations of voter fraud are without any basis or proof, and far more to the fact that the election was safe and secure. But Trump followers will likely not hear that from their local news, since they've been told to ignore main stream reporting. It's very sad.

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